Faasiliinta dadka cadcad ma madoobaysaa

Faasiliinta dadka cadcad ma madoobaysaa


Asc walaal cream ka faasiliin ta dadka cad cad miyay madoobaysaa +
Aniga iyo nin carab ah ayaa wada shaqaysana labadeena waa isku midab eg nahay lkn waxaan layaabay aniga qoraxda markaa wax badan ku socdo way I qabanayaa oo xoogaa midabkayga way badalaysaa lkn ninka carabka asiga si kasta uu ugu socdo waa sidiisa maxaa sababay talo bal iga sii arintaa

Faasiliinta dadka cadcad ma madoobaysaa
Faasiliinta dadka cadcad ma madoobaysaa


Haa faasiliinta (Vaseline)  jirka ayay madoobaysaa qofka hadduu wejiga marsado qoraxdana kula socdo.

Vaseline-ta  marka qoraxda ay qabato falgal ayay la samaynaysaa unugyada lagu magacaabo Melanocyte oo maqaarka qofka ku jira markaas waxay soo daaynayaan maaddada midabka qaabilsan oo lagu magacaabo Melanin, markaas midabka maariin ayuu noqonayaa, qofka carabka waxaa laga yaabaa inuu aad u cad yahay markaas kama dhigi karto qof madow, laakin way saamaynaysaa midabkiisa sidii hore ma ahaanayo, marka ha u isticmaalin wejiga faasiliinta.


The skin is the largest organ in the body, so it is important to take care of it well, and Vaseline has multiple skin care uses for the whole family, but there are reasons we list for you to use it for treatment, according to the site “Healthline”.

1- Relieve dry skin:

Including your lips and eyelids, dry skin can peel off and cause itching, cracking and even bleeding, since ointments are more effective and less irritating than lotions, consider applying petroleum jelly to dry skin, including your lips and eyelids.

The skin of the eyelids is the thinnest skin in the body and can easily irritate, if your eyelids dry and peel off, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to moisturize and protect, for best results, always apply it when your skin is hydrated.

2- Help the affected skin to heal:

For minor wounds such as cuts and scratches, use petroleum jelly to keep the wound moist, this helps prevent the wound from drying out and forming a crust, as the crust takes longer to heal, this will also help prevent the scar from becoming too large, deep or itchy, as long as the wound is cleaned daily, there is no need to use antibacterial ointments.

3- Prevent the occurrence of inflammation:

It is a painful irritation of the skin that occurs when body parts rub against each other or rub against clothes, to prevent friction that may lead to the appearance of blisters, apply petroleum jelly to problem areas, such as the feet or thighs.

4- Treatment of diaper rash:

The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep your baby’s skin as dry and clean as possible, however, if your baby has a rash, apply petroleum jelly during each diaper change, with proper care, your baby’s rash should disappear within about three to four days, if the rash doesn’t go away, consult a certified dermatologist.

5- Moisturizing nails:

If you frequently use manicures and tomaids, apply petroleum jelly to your nails and skin between polishes, this will reduce their fragility and help prevent your nails from peeling, for best results, apply it when your nails are wet.

While petroleum jelly has many benefits, it shouldn’t be used in everything, avoid putting petroleum jelly on your face if you’re prone to acne, as it can cause pimples and pills to appear in some people.

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