Video muujinaya geel is qaba carabta isku casuumayso

Full camel on the big meal

Video muujinaya geel is qaba carabta isku casuumayso

Video muujinaya geel is qaba carabta isku casuumayso
Video muujinaya geel is qaba carabta isku casuumayso

Carabta Khaliijka ku nool waxay caan ku yihiin zabta iyo casuumaadda, waxay u arkaan inay tahay wax lagu faano, lakin waxay sameeyaan khaladaad oo aan adduunka laga aqoonin.

waxaa ka mid ah khaladaadka cunto xadka ka baxsan inta la kariyo ayaa layska daadinayaan, sheekadaas waxaa ku badan Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraadka.

daawo muuqalkan uu ka muuqdo geel asoo dhan lawada kaliyay oo hilibkiisa seef lagu jarjarayo.




Soomaalida iyo dhaqanka sabta sawirada

Bariiska qaababka loo kariyo


Video showing camels married in Arabic inviting each other
Arabs living in the Gulf are famous for their zabta and invitations, they see it as something to be proud of, but they make mistakes that are not known in the world.

Among the mistakes of out-of-bound food while cooking is being dumped, that story is dominated by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Watch this appearance of a camel that is all together, and his flesh is cut with a sword.

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