Filfil madow iyo caafimaadka fiican wax ka ogow

Filfil madow iyo caafimaadka fiican wax ka ogow

Filfil madow aad baa loo adeegsadaa maanta waxaad ogaataa faa’idada ay u leedahay caafimaadka qofka.
Cilmibaaris dhakhaatiir ah waxay sheegeen in geedkan uu ka hor tago cudurka kansarka sidoo kale wixii sun ah oo jirka soo galaya.

Filfil madow iyo caafimaadka fiican wax ka ogow
Filfil madow iyo caafimaadka fiican wax ka ogow

geedkan qiimaha badan wuxuu u roon yahay dadka u baahan dheefshiidkooda inuu u fiicnaado maxaa yeelay wuxuu wataa Vitamin B.
sidoo kale wuxuu ka ilaaliyaa caloosha dibirka iyo aariyada badan, aad wuxuu u dhaqaajiyaa mindhicirada.
wuxuu wataa macaadintan jirka u fiican sida

Filfil madow iyo caafimaadka fiican wax ka ogow
Filfil madow iyo caafimaadka fiican wax ka ogow









wuxuu ka hortagaa cudurada badankooda.
wuxuu adkeeyaa difaaca jirka siiba kuwa weerara neefta sanbabka xabadka .
wuxuu siiyaa dhaqdhaqaaq dhiigga jirka siiba midka aadayo maskaxda.
wuxuu u roon yahay maqaarka jirka wuxuu ka difaacaa qubadka cadaanka baraska iwm.
maqaarka wuxuu ka ilaaliyaa kadkaduudka dhuqnimada.
wuxuu ka hortagaa nabraha iyo fin doobka.
guud ahaan filfisha madow aad bay ugu roon tahay caafimaadka ninka iyo naagta.


Find out about dark Piper nigrum and good health

Black Piper nigrum is widely used today you know its benefits for a person’s health.
Doctors research has reported that this plant prevents cancer as well as any toxins that enter the body.
This valuable plant is good for people who need their digestion to be better because it has Vitamin B.
It also protects the stomach from the stomach from the many esthinal tract, and moves the intestines.
he has this good physical sweetness such as
prevents most diseases.
It strengthens the immune system against those who attack the lungs of the lungs.
it gives movement of blood to the body that goes to the brain.
It is good for the skin and protects the body from the white baths of leprosy etc.
It protects the skin from the skin from the skin.
it prevents scarring and the fin of the dough.
Generally, black Piper nigrum is very good for the health of men and women.

Kaniinka Forever Kids ee caruurta la siiyo muxuu taraa

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