Sawiro muujinaya qiimaha Soomaaliya

Sawiro muujinaya qiimaha Soomaaliya

Soomaali waxaa Ilaahay siiyay dhul aad u wanaagsan.

Mooska bukeeni oo soomaali ku badan
Mooska bukeeni oo soomaali ku badan

maanta hadday soomaalidu ahaan lahaayeen dad meel dheer wax ka arko waxay ku noolaan lahaayeen dal aad u hormarsan.

Soomaali waxay la tartami lahayd dalal maanta lagu tilmaamo inay hormar weyn gaareen.

Hantida waa dhulka  dal marka uu haysto dhul barwaaqo wax kaste wuu sameysan karaa.

Laakin soomaalida waxay aamineen inay ka fiican sheekadaas oo dhan qoxootinimo iyo tuugsi.

taasna waxay u hayad dhaqan soo jireen ah, waayo dad badan ayaa ahaa mashaqaysteyaal oo ku dul noolaa qaraabadooda taas ayay moodeen inay tahay nolosha fiican.

markaas ayaa laga faa’ideystay in la aado wadamada reergalbeedka oo been iyo tuugsi laysku darsado.

haddana waan wada og nahay natiijada dalkas meesha ay taagan tahay.


Allah has given Somali a good land.
Today, if Somalis had seen things from afar, they would have lived in a very advanced country.
Somali would compete with countries that are described today as having made great progress.
Property is the land of a country when it has fertile land it can do anything.
But the Somalis believed that it was better than all this story of exile and theft.
And this is a tradition of the past, for many people were businessmen who lived on their relatives, which they thought was the good life.
Then it was taken advantage of going to the Western countries and mixing lies and theft.
yet we all know the outcome of that country where it stands.

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