Qaabka loo daaweeyo haaraha wejiga iyo sanka

Qaabka loo daaweeyo haaraha wejiga iyo sanka


Asc maxaa lagu daweya haaraha dadka cad wajiga uga sameya iyo sanka

Qaabka loo daaweeyo haaraha wejiga iyo sanka
Qaabka loo daaweeyo haaraha wejiga iyo sanka


Waxaa jira daawooyin iyo kareeemooyin lagu daaweyn karo haaraha wajiga kasoo yaaca, laakin waxaa ugu fiican in loo daaweeyo qaab dabiici ah, waxaa lagu daaweyn karaa caanaha zabaadiga (garoor fadhi) oo lagu daray qajaar sidoo kale waxaa lagu daaweyn karaa qobka mooska iyo geedka babaayga, waxaad ka heli kartaa qoraalladan soo socda faahfaahin dheeraad oo lagu daaweyn karo madowga wejiga iyo haaraha iyo finka.


  1. Daawada ugu fiican wajiga barta madow ka tirtirta
  2. Kareemka jirka lagu caddeeyo dhib ma leeyahay
  3. Faa’idada laga helo Babaayga xagga caafimaadka
  4. Finka wejiga maxaa xal u ah
  5. Fin doobka ma siigadaa daawo u ah
  6. Kareemka Glysolid cudur ma keenaa
  7. Qobka mooska faa’idooyinka uu lee yahay



Treatment of subcutaneous facial pills at home

You can use some home remedies after consulting your doctor as follows:1. Apply warm compresses
Warm compresses can help treat blind grains, heat can lighten pores and bring grains closer to the surface of the skin that will appear as a head full of bacteria, sebaceous secretions and cells, and heat can help relieve pain caused by the formation of grains under the skin.You can apply compresses by:Soak a clean cloth in hot water that you can withstand its heat.
Apply the warm compress to the grain for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times a day until the pill secretes its contents.
Keep the affected area and the area near it clean, while avoiding touching it.
Avoid using facial powders until the grains are treated.
2. Use cold compresses
The use of subcutaneous facial pills treatment with cold compresses can relieve swelling and pain of the pills, and you can get them from the markets or make them at home and use them by:Bring a clean cloth and small ice cubes.
Wrap the cloth on ice cubes.
Gently press the grain with the cloth.
3. Use warm green tea bags
You can use a warm green tea bag that helps relieve pain and inflammation of the grains under the skin.4. Putting acne stickers
Acne labels contain Salicylic Acid which removes dirt and bacteria, opens pores and removes sebaceous secretions.These stickers are used on the place of the pill.5. Tea tree oil application
Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties such as grain-causing bacteria, and there is evidence to suggest that using 5% of tea oil is an effective treatment for light to medium grains.Another study suggests that using it twice daily for 12 weeks helps treat acne.

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