Maxaa ku dhacay dhaqanka Soomaalida maalmahan
Igu sawir kaliya miyay noqotay nimcada Alle na siiyay?
Sawiradan waxay aad ugu faafeen baraha bulshada, dad badan ayaa ku lifaaqay sawiro dad tabaalaysan oo dhibaato ay ka muuqato.
Dadkaas oo kasoo qaaday sawiradan inay qaldan yihiin waayo cuntada oo ah nimcada Ilaahay ayaa qaab xun loo istacmaalayo. Marka laga hadlo cuntadan waa in laga heegaa dhowr arrimood:
Midda koowaad: waxaa shardi ah cuntadan in aan la daadinin, dadka lagu martiqaaday hadday wada cunaan waa ok haddii wax soo haro ma aha in la daadiyo, waayo nimcada Ilaahay ku siiyay waxaa laga rabaa inaad ku shukriso, shukrigana waa ilaalinta nimcada oo uu ku amray Allaha ku siiyay nimacadaas.
Midda labaad: dadka waxay yaabeen ri ama wan asoo isqaba la solay ama la dubay, taas dhaqanka soomaaliyeed ma ahaan jirin, dadka soomaaliyeed marka ay neef qalaan waxay u qaybin jireen qaybo badan oo kala duwan si dadka la marti qaaday ama dadka ducada loogu yeeray loogu qaybiyo.

Laakin marka ay arkeen dadka sawirka neefka ariga oo duban oo dadka dhexyaalo waxay qaateen dadkan inay ka tahay dhaqagdhacsi ama tamshlayn oo aan munaasib ku ahayn dhaqanka Soomaaliyee.
Inta badan dhaqankan waxaa lagu bartay dadka ku nool khaliijka oo ku faana waliimada intay neef galeen oo isqaba ay dubaan ayay dhexda soo dhigaan, dadka marka ay wax yar ka cunaan waxaa lagu daadinayaa qashinka.
Midda seddexaad: waxaa habboon inaad iska ilaaliso faanka, marka qofka uu dad martiqaado ma aha inuu u dhaqmo qaab kibir laga dareemi karo, maanta waxaa jira dad badan oo gaajo ku seexanaya waxaan ku jira dadkaas caruur iyo haween iyo dad waayeel ah, marka sawirada noocan ah dadka ayay niyadda ka jabiyaan.
Diinta islaamka aad ayay ugu boorrisay in dad masaakiinta iyo dadka danyarta lagu dadaalo oo wax la siiyo quud lacag cunto wixii la awoodo.
Teeda kale nimcada Ilaahay waxaa lagu ilaalinkaraa shugriga Alle.
Alle wuxuu yiri:
(لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم)
(hadda shugrisaan waan idin kordhinayaa)
These photos have spread widely on social media, and many people have attached pictures of disadvantaged people with problems.
Those people who took these pictures are wrong because the food, which is the grace of Allah, is being abused in a bad way.
When it comes to this food, several things must be taken into account:
The first: it is a requirement that this food not be poured out, if the invited people eat it together it is ok if something is left it is not to be poured out, for the grace that Allah has given you is required to thank you, and thanksgiving is the protection of the grace which Allah has commanded you to give you.
Secondly: people were amazed at the sheep or lambs that were married or baked, which was not the Somali culture, the Somali people when they killed their breaths they divided them into many different parts so that the people who were invited or the people invited to the prayer could be distributed.
But when people saw the picture of the animal roasted in the middle of the people, they assumed that it was a movement that is not appropriate for Somali culture.
Most of this tradition has been learned by people living in the gulf who are proud of their parents by taking a breath and getting married and baking in the middle, and when people eat a little they are dumped in the trash.
Thirdly: you should avoid boasting, when the person who invites people does not have to behave in a way that can be felt proudly, today there are many people who sleep in hunger including those people including children and women and elderly people, when these kinds of pictures break people’s mood.
It strongly urged the religion of Islam to take care of the poor and needy people and give them food as much as possible.
The grace of Allah can be preserved by the praise of Allah.