Dictionary weedho English to Somali oo free ah

Dictionary weedho English to Somali oo free ah


Asc wan kusalamay Dr alah dambigaga dhafo inta kadib
Waxan raba in lahelikaro hadu jiro dictionary wedho English to somali aha mahadsanid.

Dictionary weedho English to Somali oo free ah
Dictionary weedho English to Somali oo free ah


Way jiraan buugaag English iyo soomaali oo dictionary ah laakin waa lacag maktabadaha ayaad ka heli kartaa, sidoo kale iyagoo online ayaad gadan kartaa.

Waxaa jira buug free ah oo 1000 erey soomaali iyo English ku qoran oo si sahlan lagaga baran karo afka ingiriiska waxaad kasoo download gareysan kartaa halkan asoo PDF file ah.

Buuga 1000 erey English halkan kasoo download garey asoo free ah


There are books in English and Somali dictionary but you can get money from libraries, and you can also buy them online.

There is a free book of 1000 words written in Somali and English that can be easily learned in English and you can download it here with a PDF file.


Ereyo English oo wadaaga xarfaha ICK si sahlan ayaa loo xifdin karaa

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