Wiilka Ing Yariisow oo hadlay

The son of mayor of Mogadishu spoke

Wiil uu dhalay Ing. Yariwo oo lagu magacaabo Maxmed ayaa ka hadlay geerida aabbihiisa, wuxuu kusoo qoray barta Facebook tacsi  wuxuu yiri:

Potato ama Baradho waxtarka ay leedahay

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Today the people of Mogadishu lose their Mayor; but I lost my Father. May Allah Grant him the highest rank of Paradise.

Potato ama Baradho waxtarka ay leedahay

Maanta dadka reer Muqdisho waxay waayeen Guddomiyahooda, laakin aniga waxaan waayay aabbahayga, Ilaahay darjo sare haka galiyo jannada.

Xigasho:  https://www.facebook.com/mofliyin125

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