Wajiga lafalafaha ah sidee loo cayiliyaa

Wajiga lafalafaha ah sidee loo cayiliyaa


Asc salaan kadib:-
Walal wajigaygu sanadihi hore uu fiicna balse sanadkan
Ma aQaano wax igu dhacay muruqi baa ka dhamaday ama saad u taqan wax muruqa malahan
Yacni laf caadiyan nOqday hadaan wax walpa sameeyo igama baaba,ayaan bil baan guriga joogay cadceedana ma wareego
Wajigaygu sidi hore si uu iigu soo noqdo oy lafahu iiga baaba,aan
Maxaan sameeya
Ila taliya walaal talaan idinka soo doonte mhadsanidiin

Wajiga lafalafaha ah sidee loo cayiliyaa
Wajiga lafalafaha ah sidee loo cayiliyaa


Wejiga jirka ayuu ku xiran yahay haddii aad caato tahay wejiga wuxuu noqonayaa lafalafo, marka cun cuntooyinka lagu naaxo, in badan ayaan wax ka qornay webka daruur, waxaad ka raadin kartaa, cuntada lagu cayilo, cuntada lagu naaxo, cayilka jirka, cuntada nafaqada leh. ereyadaan mid ka mid ah ku qor

halkaan ka gal goobta raadinta: https://daruur.com/?s 

Qoraal ahaan halkan ayaad ka akhrisan kartaa qaabka.

Important foods that provide the body with energy and activity

1- Oats
The number of calories in each cup of oats is no more than 166 calories. Oats are rich in many vitamins and minerals, and if added to some fruits they offer a healthy and complete meal.
2- Dark chocolate
According to Healthline, the antioxidants in cocoa provide many health benefits, as well as boosting mental energy and mood. A 30-gram piece of dark chocolate contains 153 calories.

3- Brown rice
Brown rice helps convert carbohydrates and proteins in the body into energy due to its high content of manganese. Brown rice fiber, according to Healthline, is also useful in regulating blood sugar levels, which contributes to maintaining constant energy levels throughout the day. Each cup of brown rice is given 218 calories.
4- Chickpeas
Nutritionists advise eating a meal of chickpeas, sesame seeds, oil and lemon to get a good source of energy, noting that each tablespoon of chickpeas contains 27 calories.

5- Lentils
Each cup of lentils serves 230 calories. Northwestern Medicine explains that “the combination of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber, obtained from eating half a cup of cooked lentils gives great energy, especially since it is rich in folate, iron, manganese and zinc.”
6- Strawberries
Each cup of strawberries provides 46 calories, as does watermelon. The vitamin C and antioxidants in strawberries help fight inflammation in the body, overcoming feelings of fatigue and fatigue.

7- Apples
Apple fruit offers the perfect combination of natural sugars, fiber and a high content of antioxidants. According to Healthline, research has shown that antioxidants help slow down carbohydrate digestion and therefore release energy over a longer period of time. About 95 calories can be obtained from each average apple.

8- Bananas
Bananas are characterized by containing 105 calories per medium-sized fruit. It is considered a snack rich in carbohydrates, vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium, all of which help increase energy.

Cuntooyinka Miisaanka Jirka Kordhinaya

Waa Maxay Cuntada Tayada Leh

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