Wadankuu Ku yaalaa Webka Daruur.com

Wadankuu Ku yaalaa Webka Daruur.com


Wadankuu Ku yaalaa Webka Daruur.com Imisa Dhakhtar Ayaa Ka shaqeeya Oo Suaalaha Dadka Uga Soo Jawaaba

Wadankuu Ku yaalaa Webka Daruur.com
Wadankuu Ku yaalaa Webka Daruur.com


Webka Daruur waxaa laga maamulaa dhowr wadan su’aalahana waxaa ka jawaabo dad jaamacado ka soo baxay waxaana loogu talagalay umadda soomaaliyeed in loogu adeego, dadka soomaaliyeed inay helaan meel ay u noqon karaan oo raadraac ah, fadlan share gareey webka si dad badan uu u gaaro.

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Daruur For News






The Daruur Web is run in several countries and the questions are answered by people who have graduated from universities and are intended for the Somali people to be served, the Somali people to find a place where they can be and track them, please share the web so that it can reach more people.

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