Waa maxay cuntada sujuq maxaana laga sameeyaa

How to prepare sausage at home

Waa maxay cuntada sujuq maxaana laga sameeyaa

Shucuubta waxay leeyihiin dhaqamo kala duwan, soomaalida ma cunaan badankooda calooleyda iyo mindhicirka, dad yar ayaa cuna oo ku magacaaba kirish mirish.

Mindhicirka carabta sidey u sameeyaan
Mindhicirka carabta sidey u sameeyaan

Laakin carabta wax kale ayay ka sameeyan mindhicirka xoolaha, waxay ka sameeyaan .

Waxaa loo yaqaanaa afka carabiga النقانق ama  السجق afka ingiriiskana waxaa la dhahaa: Sausage

Sujuq waxaa laga wadaa  hilib shiidan iyo bariis iyo xawaash ka samaysan toon iyo basal laysku qasay markaas ayaa la galinayaa mindhicirka, kaddib ayaa lagu dubayaa saliid waxaana laga sameyanaa Sanduwish rooto ama ceesh, sidoo kale bariiskana waa lagu cuni karaa. waxay ka mid tagay cuntada sujuq cuntooyinka aad loo xiiseeyo.


Calooleyda Meelaha Aan Laga Cunin


What is sujuq food and what is made of it

The tribes have different cultures, Somalis do not eat most of their stomachs and intestines, few people eat them and call them Christian.
But the Arabs make something else out of the intestines of the animals, they make of it.

It is known in Arabic as النقانق or السجق in English and in English it is called: Sausage
Sujuq is taken from ground meat and rice and garlic made of garlic and mixed onions and then put in the intestines, then baked with oil and made of rice bread or rice, and rice can also be eaten. it went from sujuq food to the most coveted foods.

Waxtarka hilibka idaha

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