Riyada akhrinta suuratu naas

Riyada akhrinta suuratu naas


Sheekh laba habeen oo isu dhaw waxaan ku riyooday anoo akhrinaya suuratu naas iisoo fasir sheekh

Riyada akhrinta suuratu naas
Riyada akhrinta suuratu naas


Riyada waxay tilmaamaysaa inaad ka badbaadayso dadka
Waliba gaar haan dadka xunxun oo sharta badan
sidoo kale Ilaahay wuxuu kaa celinayaa waswaaska dadka ay keenaan iyo midka shaydaan keeno


Riyada akhriska quraanka halkan ka daawo


The dream indicates that you are saving from people
Especially the bad people who are more demanding
And Allah will turn you away from the whispering of the people and the devil.

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