Murti iyo xigmad sida wax loo xaliyo

Murti iyo xigmad sida wax loo xaliyo

All birds find shelter in the rain. But the eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference.

Shinbiraha oo dhan xiliga roobka waxay helaan dugaal. laakin gorgorka wuxuu aadayaa daruuraha korkooda si roobka uu uga leexdo.
dhibaatooyinka waa wax jira, laakin go’aanka ayaa lagu kala duwan yahay. hadalkan waa hadal xigmad iyo murti weyn ay ku jiraan.

Murti iyo xigmad sida wax loo xaliyo
Murti iyo xigmad sida wax loo xaliyo

taasoo oo ah qofka in laga rabo inuu xaliyo wixii lasoo gudboonaado uu uusan ka caajisin.

marka waxaad ka qaadan kartaa hadalkan murti iyo maan sida kaaga muuqata ma aha murtida wax layska xoori karo

Sheeko qiimo badan Qasaaraha u baddel Faa’iido

All birds during the rainy season get warmer. But the eagle goes over the clouds to turn away from the rain.
The problems are some, but the decision varies. This is a word of wisdom and great judgment.
That is, the person who is required to solve the past is not bored.

when you can take this statement from a sentence and mind as you can see it is not the sentence that can be thrown away

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