Marka caadada igu dhacdo caloosha ayaa i bararto

Marka caadada igu dhacdo caloosha ayaa i bararto


scw bahda daruur wan idin salamay wad ku mahadsan tihin howsha aad no haysan waxan rabaa inan idin waydiyo su’aal ku sabsan dhiga caadada maxaa keena xiliga dhiiga caadada inaad dareemo dibir ama caloosha oo soo barat gaar ahaan hoose gumaarka agtisa bararka ilaa wuxuu soconaa sedex maalmood kadib waa soo shuuqaa

Marka caadada igu dhacdo caloosha ayaa i bararto
Marka caadada igu dhacdo caloosha ayaa i bararto


Haka walwalin dumarka qaar sidaas ayay dareemaan, dhiiga caadada naag kaste saameys ayuu ku yeelanayaa laakin saameyska ayaa kala duwan, dumar wuxuu u keenaa dhabar xanuun dhumarka qaar lugaha ayaa ka xanuuno qaarna madaxa qaar qanddho ayaa qabato jirkooda aad buu u kululaadaa,  qaar caajis daran baa ku dhaco waxay rabaa inay maantoo dhan hurdo ku jiraan, qaar cuntada ayay ka go’aan, qaar kacsi daran ayay dareemaan, marka uu dhamaado dhiiga sideedi ayay kusoo noqonaysaa haweeneyda.

Marka cudur ma aha dhiiga ayuu la socdaad dibirkaas aad dareemayso marka ay caadada kugu dhacdo, haddii uu joogsan waayo iyadoo caadadii ay dhamaatay, markaas waxaa la dhihi karaa sabab kale ayaa keentay, cuno gaar ah ama wax kale ayaa jiro.


Various side effects and symptoms occur in the woman’s body during the menstrual cycle due to the change of hormones she has in that period, here are the most important ones:

The appearance of acne
In general, women suffer from the appearance of acne more than men due to hormones.

Menstrual acne is called periodic acne, where the menstrual cycle increases the secretion of oils from the sebaceous glands, which makes them clog pores in the skin and cause blisters in the face during the menstrual cycle and a few days before, and periodic acne is characterized by its appearance in the chin area and under the mouth.

Breast aches
Breast aches are related to the period of the menstrual cycle, where the breast swells in the period of ovulation until the first two days of the arrival of the menstrual cycle, due to many hormones, the most important of which are: estrogen, progesterone, and the hormone milk.

Feeling tired and insomnia
Many women suffer from fatigue as a result of hormonal changes, and both estrogen and progesterone increase body temperature making it resistant to sleep, and it is worth mentioning that a normal human being wants to sleep when his temperature drops.

Digestive disorders
When the menstrual cycle comes, girls are exposed to various digestive disorders, some of them are exposed to constipation and unlike them completely, others may suffer from diarrhea.

The problem of bloating is also associated with hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, but you can mitigate this effect by reducing the intake of salts before your period, eating vegetables and fruits, and exercising.

Headache is associated with changing estrogen levels as your period approaches, and some women may feel greater headaches like menstrual migraines.

Mood changes
Hormones are linked to mood changes, so most women feel like crying, angry and upset when their periods come.

Anxiety and depression
Both anxiety and depression are associated with premenstrual syndrome, and if a girl suffers from other anxiety and depressive health conditions, it increases the psychological effects and premenstrual depression.

Lower back pain
Menstrual pains are not limited to the abdominal area as chemical changes in the uterus cause contractions that increase the aches of the lumbar and groin region. 

These symptoms are classified as emotional or psychological symptoms, and on the other hand there are symptoms that are classified as physical symptoms, such as general fatigue in the body, lack of activity, headache, abdominal pain, which leads to the unwillingness to go to school, university or work, increased appetite and desire to eat, so it is possible to find in some women a difference in weight of 1-2 kg before and after menstruation.


Sababta Keenta Oohinta Gabdhaha Xiliga Dhiiga Caadada

Xanuunka Dhiiga Caadada 3 Cisho Kahor

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