Malabka lagu cayilo sida loo diyaariyo

How to prepare fattening honey

Malabka lagu cayilo sida loo diyaariyo

Madaawaadkan waa la tijaabiyay qofka caataha ah wuxuu ku cayilaa muddoo yar seddex usbuuc ilaa seddex bilood in u dhexeysa.

Malabka lagu cayilo sida loo diyaariyo
Malabka lagu cayilo sida loo diyaariyo

waxaa laysku daraa waxyaalahan soo socda

Shan qaaddo malab saafi ah
labaatan xabbo timir mirta laga bixiyay
shan qaaddo qombo shiidan
hal qaaddo iyo bar saliid
shan qaaddo sokor
hal koob xulbo
Shan qaaddo waaweyn caano booro
labo qaaddo fustuq shiidan
Shan qaaddo boodro shukulaato
Labo qaaddo loos
Labo qaaddo sisin
Nus koob biyo

Saliidda ayaan dabka saaraynaa kaddib waxaa lagu darayaa timita, waa la walaaqayaa ilaa ay ka noqdaan sida cajiin oo kale
kaddib waxaa lagu darayaa qumbaha iyo malabka iyo boodrada hsukulaatada iyo caana booraha kaddib waa la walaaqayaa mar kale

kaddib biyo ayaa lagu darayaa markaas ayaa la walaaqayaa.
kaddib looska iyo fustqa ayaan ku dareynaa iyo xulbada shiidan markaas ayaan walaaqaynaa ilaa ay isqabsadaan
nus saac ayaan ku haynaynaa dabka markaas ayaan ka dejinaynaa meel ayaan dhigaynaa ilaa ay ka qaboobaan.
kaddib dhalo ayaan ku shubaynaa maalin kaste afar qaaddo ayaan ka cunaynaa.

waa madaawaad oo lagu cayilo oo la tijaabiyay waana daawo iyo nafaqo


Madax xanuunka halka dhinac ama goonjabka sababaha iyo daawada

Madax xanuunka maxaa keeno markaan wax akhrinayo

This trial has been tested on the obese person who becomes obese for a period of between three weeks and three months.
the following are added

Five teaspoons of pure honey
twenty palm kernels from the seed
five teaspoon grinding
one teaspoon and a bar of oil
five spoon socks
one cup selection
Five large spoons of milk
two spoons of melted fustuq
Five teaspoon hops
Two spoon loos
Two sisin spoons
Half a cup of water

After we put the oil on fire, it is added to the hair, it is disturbed until it becomes like dough.
Then it is added to the coconuts and honey and the jumps of the honeycomb and the milk of the pollen.

Then it is mixed with water and then it is mixed with the milk and the milk of the pollen.
Then we add the looska and the fustqa and the grinding of the mixture and then we worry until they get married
we keep them on fire for half an hour and then unload them and put them in place until they cool off.
Then we pour four spoons into a bottle every day and eat four spoons.

It is a drug that is tested and tested and is medicine and nutrition


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