Kharaarka afka iyo cudurka qarsoon

Inflammation of the mouth and disease

Kharaarka afka iyo cudurka qarsoon

Kharaarka afka iyo carrabka maxaa keena ma cudur baa Sababo badan ayaa jira oo afkaaga kharaar ka dhiga waxaa ugu muhimsan sababahan soo socda.

Kharaarka afka iyo cudurka qarsoon
Kharaarka afka iyo cudurka qarsoon

1- caloosha oo fariisata, taas oo macanaheeda ah mindhicirada oo si fiican aan u shaqaynin, caloosha marka ay fariisato qofka xanuun ayuu dareemayaa inta badan

2- daawooyin kala duwan marka qofka uu cunayo wuxuu dareemayaa kharaar sidoo kale side effects-ka daawooyinka qaar wuu keenaa kharaarka afka

3- afka oo qaleel noqda taasna sabab ayay u noqonaysaa inuu qofka dareemo kharaar 3- diliqa badan, waayo wuxuu ka soo laabtaa raashinka caloosha marka uu isbaddalo kaddib

4- daawada kimikaalka ah oo lagu daaweeyo dadka kansanrka qaba

ereyada furaha ah

kharaarka afka, carabka, qaraarka laga dareemo maxaa keena, calool xanuunka, cudurka ciridka iyo afka, afkaaga sidee loo daweya. daawada afka, urka afka, ilkaha burbusan. jirada ilkaha , af urka, afka ura


Sidee Ilmuhu Ugu Ekaadaan Aabaha Ama Hooyada Markay Dhashaan?

Causes of bitterness of the mouth

The causes of bitterness of the mouth include the following:

Smoking that may harm your sense of taste.
Diseases that cause bitter taste in the mouth.
Allergies and mouth obstruction.
Bell’s palsy is caused by a neurological disorder.
Nasal polyps.
inflammation of the salivary glands;
Sjogren’s syndrome, which causes dry eyes and mouth.
Respiratory diseases, such as colds, sinusitis, sore throats or the flu.
Deficiency in vitamin B12 or zinc.
Vomiting is any return of fluid from the stomach to the esophagus.
Burn in the tongue or bite the tongue.
Injuries to the head, nose or mouth.
Damage to the sensory nerves that pick up the bait.
Poisoning due to the ingestion of a poisonous plant or exposure to toxic chemicals, such as pesticides.

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