Cuntoooyinka la siin karo qofkay siigada dishay

Cuntoooyinka la siin karo qofkay siigada dishay


Fadlan iisheeg Cuntooyinka Ugu Fiican Ama Nafaqada ugu Fiican Ee Lasiin Karo Qofka Ay Siigadu Dilootay Sidoo Kale Siigada Qofka Aan Isnafaqayn Ee Iska Daaya Miyuu Kasoo Kabanayaa.

Cuntoooyinka la siin karo qofkay siigada dishay
Cuntoooyinka la siin karo qofkay siigada dishay


Su’aashan in badan ayaan ka jawaabay webka ka raadi walaal saan kuu sheegay su’aal mar hore laga jawaabay  laguma soo celinayo mar kale haddii ay wadato siyaado mooyee, isla su’aashan wax badan ayaad ka dhex helaysaa webka.

  1. Cuntada jirka lagu dhiso iyo dareenka kacsiga
  2. Waa maxay cuntada tayada leh
  3. Cuntada raga arooska u roon
  4. Cuntada raga sariirta ka caawisa iyo daawadooda
  5. Cuntada lagu naaxo iyo quruxda jirka
  6. Cuntada cayilka jirka u keenta

Nine  foods that experiments have proven to have the effect of magic in increasing the energy of man:


Spinach is rich in magnesium, a mineral that reduces inflammation in blood vessels, increasing blood flow. Eating spinach will put you in a relaxed mood, as it increases blood flow in the central area of the body.

Tammy Nelson, a psychiatrist and sexual health expert, says that increased blood flow pushes blood to the limbs, which can perform the function of Viagra as it increases arousal.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate increases levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which makes us happy and reduces stress. Cocoa also raises blood flow through the arteries, activates blood vessels and sends blood to various organs of the body.


Watermelon contains the antioxidant lycopene, and this substance has an effect like Viagra, as it has the ability to help blood vessels relax, which increases blood flow through the body, especially to the lower body.

Nuts and seeds

Pumpkin seeds (pumpkin) are very rich in zinc and promote the health of the prostate gland. Nuts are generally rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which act as fuel for essential hormones specific to sexual health.

Cashews and almonds are also rich in zinc, one of the building blocks of nitric oxide, a natural gas that helps men maintain erections longer.

Nuts also help reduce cholesterol levels, facilitating blood circulation throughout the body and lower regions.


Pomegranate is associated with antioxidants that support blood flow, it is rich in nutrients necessary for the production of sperm and antioxidants, which help strengthen blood throughout the body.

A recent study, published in the International Journal of Impairment and Infertility Research, found that pomegranate juice had a positive effect on erectile dysfunction.


The researchers confirmed that eating garlic helps stop the formation of new fatty deposits called “nanoplates” within the walls of the arteries, including the arteries leading to the male organs as well.

The properties of garlic help prevent blood clotting and ensure the flow of large amounts of it to the lower regions. Doctors advise the couple to take a dose of garlic before the evening.


Omega-3s help prevent the accumulation of plaque in the arteries, thus improving blood flow throughout the body. Tuna is one of the keys that can boost your sex life.


Bananas are one of the main sources of potassium, which in turn helps counteract the effects of foods high in sodium.

Oysters are full of zinc, a mineral that raises the level of testosterone and increases growth hormone at the same time. Both promote muscle growth and physical performance. Zinc helps blood flow to the genitals of man and woman.


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