Cuntada jirka iyo nafta

Cuntada jirka iyo nafta

I think you feel hungry when you see this best meal.

Cuntada jirka iyo nafta
Cuntada jirka iyo nafta









but dont forget the food that good for your health is fruits and vegetables.

Cuntada marka ay tahay mid kaladuwan waxay jirka u keentaa tayo iyo awood.

siiba cuntada qudaarta iyo furuudka ay la socdaan.
waayo qudaarta iyo furuudka waxay socodsiiyaan caloosha.
waxaana la og yahay cuntada cafimaadka leh inay tahay cuntada caloosha socodsiiso oo qofka aan ku dhacaynin calool adayg.

cuntada caafimaadka leh qofka niyadda ayay u dhisaysaa, nafta waxay dareemaysaa marka ay cunto raashin macaan badan raaxo iyo farxad. calooshana way ku roon tahay inay qaadadto cunto khafiif ah.

Cuntada makhaayadda iyo mida guriga dhanka caafimaadka

the food of vegetables and vegetables.
For vegetables and vegetables run the belly.
It is known that the food that is healthy is the food that makes the stomach run and the person who does not suffer from constipation.

Healthy food builds the mood for the person, the soul feels when they eat more delicious meals more comfort and happiness. It is good for the stomach to take a spicy diet.

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