Culeyska qooraha waxa keeni kara

Culeyska qooraha waxa keeni kara


scw marar waxaan isku arkaa qooraha culeys iga ah xanuun ma jiro laakin culeys ayaan ka daremaa maxaa la dhihi taas jirro miyaa mise waa wax caadi ah oo raga oo dhan ay la kulman teeda kale qooraha way lalman yihin oo masoo kadoodna wayna buran yihin fadlan jawab degdeg mahadsanidin.

Culeyska qooraha ma cudur baa
Culeyska qooraha ma cudur baa


Arinta aad sheegtay oo ah culeyska xaniinyaha ama qooraha waa arin caadi ah waxaana keena qofka marka uu yahay doob ama qof xaaskiisa aan la joogin oo muddo biyaha aan ka bixin qooraha wuxuu ka dareemaa culeys oo ciriiri sidoo kale way soo lalmanayaan, taasna waa xiliga kulaylka ama qofka uu dhididayo, laakin xiliga qabowga ama qofka marka uu baqayo way soo kaduutaan kor ayay ku dhegaan.

Marka culeyska qooraha ma aha cudur haddii meesha aan wax kale jirin, sida barar ama wax kale oo jirro ah oo cusleeya xiniinyaha.

Sababaha cuncunka qooraha iyo daawada u roon

The thing you said about the weight of the groin or neck is a normal issue and it is caused by the person when he is a fool or a person who is not with his wife and for a while the water does not go out of the neck feels a burden and they also come up, which is the time of heat or the person is sweating, but in the cold or when the person is afraid they stick to it.

When neck strain is not a disease if there is nothing else in the area, such as inflammation or other diseases that weigh the testicles.


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