8 astaan muhim ah oo tilmaamaya cudurka sokorta

8 astaan muhim ah oo tilmaamaya cudurka sokorta

Waxay sheegeen dhakhaatiirta ku takhasusay cudurada halista ah astaamooyin iyo calaamooyin lagu garto qofka inuu sokor qabo waana calaamadaha ugu caansan oo tusinaya cudurka sokorta.

8 astaan muhim ah oo tilmaamaya cudurka sokorta
8 astaan muhim ah oo tilmaamaya cudurka sokorta

1- qofka inuu dareemo dharaartii daal aan sabab lahayn, hurdada inuu kasoo tooso asoo nooggan asoona si fiican usoo hurday

.2- Gaajo aan xad lahayn inuu dareemo, qofka cudurka hayo wuxuu dareemayaa gaajo aan lasoo koobi karin xataa asoo cunay cunto badan.
3- sidoo kale qofka wuxuu dareemaa cuncun aad u daran siiba agagaarka xubnaha taranka
4- sidoo kale kaadi badan aan xad lahayn mar kaste musqusha ayuu ku ordaa asoo aan cabbin cabitaan badan ama xilli qabowna aan jirin.
5- wuxuu dareemayaa qofka sokorta qaba oon aad u daran xataa hadduu biyo cabbo harraadka kama harayo.
6- aragtida oo aan waadax u ahayn sida indhaha inuu saab ka saaran yahay oo kale.
7- daahitaanka raysashada nabraha iyo bogsashada dhaawacyada jirka soo gaara.
8- caabuq soo noqnoqonaya oo aan sabab cad lahayn.


Cudurka sokorta In English

They have reported signs and signs that identify a person with diabetes and are the most common signs of diabetes.

1- The person feels fatigue without a reason, wake up from sleep and sleep well

.2- To feel unlimited hunger, the person with the disease feels incalculable hunger even after eating a lot of food.
3- The person also feels a severe itch around the genitals
4- He also runs to the bathroom without limiting amounts of urine every time without drinking too much or in the cold.
5- The person with diabetes feels very severe even if they drink water and the thirst does not remain.
6. The vision that is not as good as the eyes are on the eyes.
7- Delay in the healing of wounds and healing of bodily injuries.
8. Repeated infection without a clear cause.


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