Waa kuma Amin arts ama Amin Amer

Waa kuma Amin arts ama Amin Amer

Amin Amir is a famous Somali painter who draws arts about Somali politics and sometimes draws on world politics

Amin arts sawir hore
Amin arts sawir hore
Amin arts iyo Farmaajo
Amin arts iyo Farmaajo


أمين عامر رسام صومالي مشهور، يرسم رسومات تتعلق بالسياسة الصومالية وأحيانا يرسم عن السياسة العالمية

Amin Amir waa farshaxanle soomaaliyeed oo caan ah oo ku nool dalka Canada, wuxuu ka sameeyaa sawirro siyaasadda soomaaliyeed iyo midda caalamka sidoo kale dhacdooyinka ka dhaca dunida.

Waxaa kaloo la sheegaa Amin arts iyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo inay aad isugu dhow yihiin xagga saaxiibtinimada.
Taas waxaa laga fahmi karaa sida uu siyaasadda Farmaajo u difaacayo.

Kiiska badda soomaali iyo Amin arts

Amin Amir is a well-known Somali artist living in Canada, he makes paintings of Somali and international politics as well as events around the world.

It is also said that Amin arts and President Mohamed Abdullahi are very close in terms of friendship.
This can be understood in how he defends the policy of Mohamed Abdullahi.

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