Suunka caloosha lagu yareeyo waxa uu taro
Suunka caloosha lagu yareeyo waxa uu taro
Suunka baruurta caloosha lagu yareeyo wuxuu u kala baxaa dhowr nooc, waxaa jira mid caadi ah oo ka samaysan maaddo balaastik oo kale ah ama maro adag layloon ah.
Midkaan wuxuu majuujiyaa baruurta caloosha wuxuuna gubaa dufinta xalusta wuxuuna anfacaa raga iyo dumarka.
Dad badan ayaa suunka caloosha adeegsada oo ka faa’ido.

Qaabka loo adeegsado noocan waa sidan:
waxaa lagu xiraa caloosha iyo dhabarka hoostiisa, meesha wuxuu ka keenaa dhidid badan
Wuxuu yareeyaa dhexda qofka, miisaanka jirkana wuu dejiyaa.
Iyadoo sidaas ay tahay qofka waxaa laga rabaa inuu badiyo socodka, sidoo kale inuu iska yareeyo cuntada badan.
Dadka cayilan inta badan cuntada si dhaqsi ayay u saamaysaa.
Nooca labaad wuxuu ku shaqeeyaa koronto, wuxuuna lulaa caloosha wuxuuna keenaa kulayl badan oo gubaya xalusta baruurta jirka.
Sidoo kale wuxuu yareeyaa badhida weyn marka qofka si joogto ah u adeegsado.
Qiimaha la gado suunka caloosha lagu yareeyo wuxuu ku xiran yahay qaabka uu u samaysan yahay.
Waxaad arkaysaa qoraal badan laga qoray suunkaas meelo badan ayaana lagu iibiyaa.
Dad badan ayaa u baahan inay is caateeyaan, oo ay iska ridaan hilibka badan, taasna waa wax fiican.
Dadka buuran oo hilibka leh aad buu wax ugu taraa suunka dhexda lagu xiro.

Kaniiniga ugu fiican oo caloosha lagu yareeyo
Belly fat reduction belts are divided into several types,
there is a common one made of a plastic solvent or a fiberglass.
This one removes the fat of the stomach and burns the fat in the stomach and benefits men and women.
Many people use belly belts and take advantage of it.
The way this type is applied is as follows:
it is attached to the abdomen and under the back,
where it causes more sweat it reduces the person’s waist and relaxes body weight.
In this case, the person is required to increase walking, as well as reduce their diet.
In obese people, food is often affected quickly.
The second type works on electricity, swinging the stomach and causing a lot of heat that burns the body fat solution.
It also reduces the big half when the person is constantly using it.
The cost of selling a belly reduction belt depends on the composition.

You see a lot of writing written about these belts and they are sold in many places.
A lot of people need to taunt themselves, and give up a lot of meat, and that’s nice.
For fat and meaty people it is very useful for waistbands.