Soomaali iyo cudurka Coronavirus (COVID-19)

SWDC – Somali Women Development Centre. wuxuu kusoo qoray bartiisa Facebook:

Today, our dedicated health workers held un urgent meeting to strategize proper way to provide community-based awareness raising on the prevention of #Coronavirus (COVID-19).

This virus is very serious & our community e.g. vulnerable groups (IDPs) can not afford to pay the price.

Maanta shaqaalaheena caafimaadka ayaa kulan qabtay si xal loogu helo dadka sidii looga wacyigalin lahaa sida laysaga ilaaliyo cururka corona
viruskan aad buu halis u yahay bulshadeenana ma awooddo inay ka hortagto.

SWDC – Somali Women Development Centre.

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