Shiirka kacsiga astaanta lagu garto
Shiirka kacsiga iyo shurufka wasakha ka dhasha maxay kala yihiin?
Shiir marka la sheego dad badan ayaa carara Marka waxaad ogaataa shiirka inuu u qaybsamo labo nooc.
Midka koowaad waa midka ka dhasha wasakha qofka marka uu noqdo jirkiisa wasakh ama dhowr maalmood uuna qubaysanin.
shiir baa ka soo go’a jirkiisa sida timaha ama kilkilaha ama shuunka Shiirkaas waa mid nafta ay kiraahsato, qofka waxaa laga rabaa inuu ka ilaaliyo lamaanihiisa.
Shiirka labaad waa mid kacsi keena, shiirkan kuma xirna wasakha qofka isagoo nadiif ah ayuu shiiri karaa.
Dadka way ku kala duwan yihiin wuxuu ku xiran yahay kacsiga awoodda uu leeyahay wuxuuna ka soo baxaa labada kilkilood, raga iyo dumarkaba waa ka soo baxaa, wuxuu macaan ka dhigaa raaxada galmada soo jiidasho ayuu leeyahay, taasna waxay u noqonaysaa dhaqanka qofka ama tarbiyada hore iyo aqoonta galmada, raga ama dumarka shiirka noocan leh waa kacsi badan yihiin inta badan.
waxaa la dhihi karaa shiirka kacsiga waxaa lagu gartaa kacsi ayaa la socda qofka asoo nadiif ah ayuu soo go’aa.
waxaa laga yaabaa qofka marka uu xishoodo inuu soo baxo ama wax ka yaxyaxo.
Shiirka xishoodka iyo dhididka gacmaha
What is the difference between the erection and the pollution caused by it?
When it is said that many people run away when you know that shiir is divided into two types.
The first is the one caused by a person’s dirt when it becomes dirty or does not bathe for a few days.
Itching comes out of his body, such as hair, hair, hair, or hair. That hair is rented by the soul. The person is required to protect his partner.
The second part is an erectile dysfunction, and this stain is not related to the dirt of the person and can clean it.
There are differences between people depending on the arousal of his ability and it comes out of both the kidneys, both men and women come out of it, it makes the pleasure of sex more attractive, and that becomes the culture of the person or the early upbringing and sexual knowledge, men or women with this type of relationship are more erect.
It can be said that erectile dysfunction is characterized by erectile dysfunction.
It may be that when a person is ashamed, they will come out or get something out.