Sababta keenta kaadida gogosha

Causes of bedwetting at night

Sababta keenta kaadida gogosha

Sababaha keena in habeenka qofka isku kaadsho maxay noqn karaan.

Sababo badan ayaa keena ruuxa habeenkii inuu isku kaadsho

Sababta keenta kaadida gogosha
Sababta keenta kaadida gogosha

1- Hormoonka oo lidka ku ah soo deynta kaadida in dhibaato ka jirto.

2- Kaadihayska oo aad u yar taasna waxay keentaa qofka asoo hurdayo inuu isku kaadsho.

3-Kaadi mareenka inuu ka jiro xanuun

4- dhibaatooyin gaar ahaan cabsi iyo walwal badan oo qofka ku seexdo sidoo kale  qofka oo hal xaalad ku sugnaan karin fikirkiiisu badan yahay

5- cudurka sokorta wuu keenaa isku kaadinta hurdada dhexdeeda bararka qanjiirada Porostaatada neefta oo istaag la soo gudboonaado iyadoo hurdada socoto Calooshaada oo aan soconaynin oo fadhida Dhaxal hooyada ama aabaha oo sidaas ahaa.

Sidee loo ogaan karaa sababta Jirka in la baaro Kaadida in la baaro Kaadi mareenka in la baaro.

sidee loo daaweeyaa arrintan Antibiyootiga kaadi mareenka xanuunaha haya daaweeya in cabbo daawooyinka porostaatada bararkeeda yareeya in la adeegsado sidoo kale daawooyinka qaska xanuunada la soo derisa lagu daaweeyo.

Ereyada raadiska:

isku kaadinta habeenka, kaadida caruurta, gogosha in lagu kaadsho, dadka isku kaadiya, xanuunka qaska, xanuunka kaadihayska, ilmaha sku kaadsho .


Kaadida badan ma caafimaad xumo ayay la xiriirtaa?


What are the causes of a person’s nightmare?

There are many reasons why the spirit of the night
1- Hormones that are against urine release that there is a problem.

2- Very little bladder and this causes the person who is sleeping to urinate.

3- The bladder has pain

4- problems especially fear and anxiety in which the person sleeps as well as the person who cannot be in one situation with a lot of thoughts

5- Diabetes causes inflammation of the bladder in sleep. Inflammation of the porostatic glands of the respiratory tract is stopped while sleep is still going on. Your stomach is not running and sitting here.

How to determine the cause of the Body to test Urine to examine the urinary tract to be tested.

How to treat this issue Antibiotic urinary tract disorders that keep the pains that keep the drinking of porostatic medications that reduce the inflammation to be used as well as medications for the treatment of chronic diseases.

Search words:

Night urination, urination of children, bed to urinate, people urinating, joint urination pain, bladder pain, baby urination.


Fasirka riyada kaadida halkan ka daawo

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