Raga qaar shiirka dumarka maxay uga helaan qiso yaab leh
Raga qaar shiirka dumarka maxay uga helaan qiso yaab leh
Naag waxaa jirtay macallimad ahayd, naagaha macallimiinta iyada wax la dhigo ayaa waxay aad u dareemeen naagtan inay shiir badan tahay.
marka qolka naagaha ka dhexeeyay lasoo galo goorta xisada dhammaato shiirkeeda ayaa qabsanayaya qolka oo dhan.
waxaa dhacday naagihii inay dhahaan qoftan sideen ugu sheegeynaa arrintan waa ceeb haddii aan dhahno shiirka badan iska suuli.
mid ayaa waxay soo jeedisay fikrad ah inay usoo iibiyaan daawada shiirka tirtirta oo ay baarsadeeda u galiyaan iyagoon la hadlay.
marka daawada ayay boorsada u galiyeen waxayna ugu qoreen warqad arrinta ay u sameeyeen.

naagtii shiirka badneyd marka ay aragtay daawada shiirka way dareentay inay dumarka u galiyeen daawada shiirka lagu nadiifiyo.
waxayna aragtay warqadda ay soo raaciyeen.
labo usbuuc ayay daawada isticmaashay kaddib sideedi ayay kusoo noqotay.
naagihii markay arkeen naagtii iyadoo sidii oo kale u shiiraysa ayay is dhaheen naagtan waxaa laga yaabaa inay ka dhamaatay daawada waxayna ka xishoonaysaa inay soo gadato.
marka shaqada u dhamaatay ayay naagihii la hadashay waxay ku tiri: waan ka xumahay ninkayga ayaa jecel shiirka labada isbuuc aan shiirka iska suuliyay wuu dhibsanayay.
anigana ma rabo ninkayga inuu ii naco dartiina.
haweenkii hal mar ayay wada xishoodeen mid ayaa la waayay hadasho.
marka shiirka naagaha raga qaar ayuu soo jiitaa rag waxaa jiro ka helo shiirka xaaskiisa, markuu shiirk uriyo aad u dareemo kacsi xoog badan.
dhididka naagaha iyo shiirka mar kaste ma aha mid wasakh ka dhasho dadkana way ku kala duwan yihiin.
shiirka wuxuu siyaadaa xiliga galmada socoto marka ninka iyo naagta ay dareemaan kacsi daran.
dad aad u shiir badan ayaa jiro iyo dad caadi ah.
rag iyo dumar ma kala laha shiirka waxaad arkaysaa gabar shir badan.
wuxuu u noqonaa shiirka hormoonka jirka.
qofka waxaa la rabaa inuu is nadiifiyo sidii dadka kale aysan u dhibsanin.
sidoo kale naagta ninkeeda uu yahay qof shiirka haweenka dhibsado naagtaas waa inay la dagaallantaa shiirka. shiiraka.
Shiirka kacsiga astaanta lagu garto
Women’s sweat remover and women’s beauty
There was a woman who was a teacher, and the women who taught her teachers felt very strongly that this woman was very jealous.
When the room between the women is entered, when the tension is over, the whole room takes over.
It happened to the women that they said how we tell this person this is a shame if we say a lot of.
One suggested an idea to sell her the medicine that wipes the unpleasant smell and put it in her investigation without talking to her.
when they put the medicine in the bag and wrote a letter to him about the matter they had made for him.
When the woman saw the medicine for the syringe, she felt that they had put the medicine for the women to cleanse the syringe.
And she saw the letter which they had followed.
After two weeks she used the medicine, how did she return?
When the women saw the woman crying like her, they said to each other,
“This woman may have run out of medicine and she is ashamed to buy it.”
When the work was over, she spoke to the women and said,
“I am sorry that my husband loves the two weeks I have been in trouble.
Neither do I want my husband to hate me because of you.
The women were once ashamed and one was missing a talk.
When some men are attracted to women, there are some men who find the females in some men’s wives,
and when he smells of a woman’s unpleasant smell, he feels a strong erection.
Women’s sweats and sweats are not always dirty and people are different.
The period of sexual intercourse increases when a man and woman feel severe an erection.
There are very talented people and ordinary people.
There is no difference between men and women. You see a girl in a meeting.
It becomes a body hormone.
The person is required to clean themselves as if others are not bothered.
Also the wife whose husband is a woman who is a woman unpleasant smell.
Riyada shiirka dumarka iyo raga