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Nacaska sida loo qabto qiso cajiib ah

Nacaska sida loo qabto qiso cajiib ah

Professor ayaa jaamacad cashar ka bixinayay, isagoo casharka wado ayaa fooriyay mid ka mid ah ardayda, professor ayaa weydiiyay arday wuxuu yiri yaa fooriyay?

Qof u sheego ayuu waayay  shib ayay wada dhaheen

Professerka casharka ayuu dib u bilaabay  mar labaad ayaa la fooriyay.

ardayda ayuu weyddiiyay haddana yaa fooriyay sidoo kale jawaab lama siinin

Professorkii ayaa intuu buugga xiray qalina dul saaray ayuu yiri: maanta cashar ma jiro ee sheeko igu dhacday ayaan idin sheegayaa.

Nacaska sida loo qabto qiso cajiib ah
Nacaska sida loo qabto qiso cajiib ah

habeen hore hurdo ayaa ii imaan weysay waxaan is dhahay gaarigaaga qaado oo wax yar iska soo wareeg, anoo waddada socdo ayaa gabar qurux badan gacanta ii haatisay, gaarigii ayaan istaajiyay waxaan ku iri: walaaley inaan ku sii dhoweeyo miyaad rabtaa?

waxay igu tiri haa: waxaan ku iri soo fuul gaariga, waan soo qaaday laakin raaxo ayaa na dhexmartay markaan geeyay meesha ay rabtay magaceeda ayaan weyddiiyay, waxay igu tiri magacayga kuuma sheegayo laakin walaalkayga ayaa ka mid ah ardayda wax aad u dhigto wuxuuna ka helaa mar kaste inuu fooriyo marka uu casharka socdo.

ardaydii ayaa wada eegay yarkii fooriyay

professorka ayaa qoslay wuxuu yiri:

kaali ma waxaad ii malaysay shahaadada PHD inaan kasoo qaatay guriga aabbahaaga.

A professor was giving a lecture at a university, while driving the lesson he was bending one of the students, a professor asked a student he said who bent it?
Tell someone he didn’t have a seilent they all said
The professor of the lesson he resumed was bowed a second time.
He asked the students and then who bent them down and they were not given an answer
The professor closed the book and put the pen on it and said: Today there is no lesson, I will tell you a story that happened to me.

Last night I couldn’t come to sleep and I said take my car and get around a little, while I was walking on the road a beautiful girl put my hand on my hand, I parked in the car and said: brother, do you want to welcome you?
She said yes to me: I said get in the car, I picked her up but we were comfortable when I took her to the place she wanted I asked her name, she said I don’t tell you my name but my brother is one of the students you teach and he gets to bow down every time during the lesson.
the students looked at the young man who was bending
The professor laughed and said:
Did you think I received my Ph.D. degree from your father’s house?

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