Maxaa keena madax xanuunka joogtada ah headache

Maxaa keena madax xanuunka joogtada ah headache


Waan idiin salaamey dhamman inta qoraalkeyga akhrin doonto gaar ahaan dadka utaagan iney nooga jawaaban suaal walbo aan qabno waxaan qabaa suaal ah maxaa keena madax xanuunka tirada badan maxaa lagu daaweeya Insha Allah waxaan sugaaba waa jawaab waadix ah.

Maxaa keena madax xanuunka joogtada ah
Maxaa keena madax xanuunka joogtada ah


Madax xanuunka sababo badan ayuu ka dhashaa waxaa ka mid ah hurdo la’aan, fikir badan, gaajada, nasasho la’aan, iyo buuqa badan, iyo xanaaqa, waxaa kaloo keeni kara qabowga daran dhaxanta markay kugu dhacdo.

Laakin marka madax xanuunka uu joogto yahay waxaa laga yaabaa inuu tilmaamayo jirro daran, waxayna noqon kartaa jirradaas in caabuq ka jiro xididaha maskaxda dhiiga u gudbiya, ama maskaxda in ifikshan soo gaaray, ama in cadaadiska dhiiga maskaxda kor u kacay ama hoos u dhacay, ama in barar ka jiro maskaxda, ama in jug culus ay gaartay maskaxda, xanuunkan waa marka uu joogto yahay marna uusan kaa haraynin, waxaana loo baahan yahay xaaladahan oo kale in qofka laga baaro madaxa.


Qoraalladan ayaadka heli kartaa faahfaahin dheeraad ah:


Madax xanuunka halka dhinac ama goonjabka sababaha iyo daawada

Madax xanuunka maxaa keeno markaan wax akhrinayo

First headache

Primary headaches occur due to excessive activity of muscles in the head, neck, blood vessels or a certain area of the brain, or due to the change or disorder of chemicals in the brain. Its types include:


Tension headache

Tension headache, which is a head pain that is caused by muscle tension in the neck and scalp area, is one of the most common types, and often occurs as a result of wrong head positions and tension.

Migraine causes severe, pulsating pain, usually concentrated on one side of the head, and occurs in the form of seizures of varying duration and severity. This type is also divided into several types, and can be infected by children and adults.

The causes of left and right migraines are still unknown, but many factors can contribute to triggering a migraine attack, such as fluctuating hormone levels in the body, and is more common in women than men.


Cluster headache

Cluster headaches cause attacks of pain to the patient, and these attacks are repeated several times a day for a week or more, followed by a long period of time that may reach years in which the patient does not develop pain in the head. As for the causes of cluster headaches, the main cause of them is still unknown, but it is believed that the hypothalamus gland at the base of the brain may be responsible for its occurrence, as a result of its sudden release of histamine and serotonin into the brain.
Secondary headache
Secondary headaches are associated with a specific medical condition that causes head pain, such as a head injury, and its types include:

Sinus headache : is the pain that occurs as a result of inflammation or swelling of the tissues lining the sinuses.
Marrow headache: It occurs as a result of slowly leaking cerebrospinal fluid, and usually occurs after exposure to myelocentesis, spinal anesthesia, or epidural anesthesia.
Tumor headache and cerebral hemorrhage: The skull doesn’t have much space inside, so the growth of benign or malignant tumors, or the accumulation of blood inside the skull causes pressure on the brain tissue, causing a feeling of headache.
Cervical headache: Caused by damage to the discs between the vertebrae of the spine, causing pressure on the spine, this degeneration of the discs usually causes neck pain and headache.
Sudden thunder headache: It is a severe pain that appears suddenly without warning and lasts for up to five minutes, and this type can indicate a problem with the cerebral blood vessels, and often needs emergency medical care.
Meningitis headache: Meningitis occurs as a result of infections that affect the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain and line the skull, known as meninges.
Headaches following head or neck trauma: Head and neck injuries caused by accidents such as falls and car accidents can cause head pain.
Rebound headaches: Long-term daily use of painkillers such as acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen can cause head pain when you reduce or stop using these medications.


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