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Marka caado igu dhacdo kacsi daran ayaan dareemaa maxaa keeno

Marka caado igu dhacdo kacsi daran ayaan dareemaa maxaa keeno


Asc waxa ahay gabar an wali guursanin 23 jir waa ahay waxa isku arkaaa xiliga caadada I joogto an said kacsado an galmada u baahanhay laakin waa is mashquuliya gabdha an aqano ayaan weydiyey ma aragno igu dhahan qof caado u joogto kacsi saaid daremo maxa keeno.

Marka caado igu dhacdo kacsi daran ayaan dareemaa maxaa keeno
Marka caado igu dhacdo kacsi daran ayaan dareemaa maxaa keeno


Dumarka qaar ayaa sidaas ah xiliga caadada aad ayay u dareemaan dareen kacsi taas waxay u noqonaysaa isbadalka hormoonada jirka, naagaha qaar markay caadada ku dhacdo way damaan,, qaar marka ay uur bixiyaan aad bay u dareemaan qaarna way damaan, marka waa wax caadi ah jirro ma aha, marka isku day inaad is mashquuliso.

Dhiiga caadada iyo kacsiga dumarka
Dhiiga caadada iyo kacsiga dumarka

Naag Dhiiga Caadada Qabta Qofkii Ka Sinaysto


Different effects occur on the woman’s body during the menstrual period, and those effects occur due to hormonal changes that the woman is exposed to during that period, and among the effects that can occur to women are changes in the digestive system and intestines.

73% of women experience gastrointestinal effects due to the menstrual cycle

Many women have digestive problems due to the menstrual cycle, with one study showing that 73% of females experienced variable gastrointestinal symptoms associated with the period, according to Medical News Today.

The hormones secreted by a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle cause a feeling of bloating and abdominal cramps, and this is caused by the accumulation of the hormone progesterone, which causes constipation, which is also responsible for the growth of the uterine wall, and reaches its highest levels during the pre-ovulation period.

Accumulation of progesterone causes constipation

Before the start of the menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone accumulates in the body, which causes constipation before or during the cycle, as well as the stomach also suffers, so its movement decreases significantly and the timing of digestion, which causes discomfort, so it is recommended in that period to eat foods and drinks that fight constipation and stomach problems.


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