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Hurdada badan ma cudur bay tilmaantaa


asc dhamaan walaLaha daruur salan kadib
hurdada badan cudur makentaa inaad iska jiifto ama aad rabto inad sexato kaliya saladaha uso kacdo hadana aad kulabato maxa kenayo hurdadaas faraha badan cudur makenta ama malagu tilmaami karaa.

Hurdada badan ma cudur bay tilmaantaa
Hurdada badan ma cudur bay tilmaantaa


Hurdada badan sabao badan ayaa keeni kara, sida cunto badan oo kale qofka markuu cuno, raashinka qaar wuxuu keenaa hurdo badan, hormoonada qaar inay jirka ku bataan, iyaga hurdo badan ayay keenaa waliba culus,  waxaa laga yaabaa qofka inuu dhibaato kala kulmo arintaas marka ay badado, hurada badan waxay keentaa cayil daran sidoo kale jir xanuun, dhabar xanuun wadne xanuun, caajis joogto ah, marka ay hurdada qofka ka badato fekerka maskaxdiisa xataa wuu daciifaa.
Marka qaxwada iyo shaaha waxaa laga yaabaa inay yareeyaan hurdada, sidoo kale qofka inuu ku mashquulo waxbarsho ama wax akhris iyo shaqo.

Hadalka hurdada dhexdeeda maxaa keeno maxaana daawo u ah

Hurdada oo dhib igu ah maxaa lagu daaweyn karaa

Causes of frequent sleep

Researchers are still working to determine what reactions in the brain cause hypersomnia, and people likely have an increase in brain chemicals known to be one of the most important causes of frequent sleep and an individual’s feeling sleepy.

Although researchers have yet to determine the specific substance or molecule that may be the cause of hypersomnia, they believe it reacts to a substance called aminobutyric acid, which is responsible for promoting sleep in the brain.

The sedative drugs used in surgery target the same aminobutyric substance (Aminobutyric) to keep a person asleep during surgery, but the most prominent reasons for the possible frequent sleep are the following:

Thyroid problems.
Heart disease.
Sleep apnea.
The condition of narcolepsy.
Some medications.
Previous history of head trauma.
Excessive consumption of alcohol.
Previous history of viral infection.
Alzheimer ‘s.
Parkinson’s disease.
It is also possible for a person to develop too much sleep without having known causes yet.

Symptoms of frequent sleep
The most important symptoms of frequent sleep include the following:

Constant fatigue.
Difficulty waking up from long periods of sleep.
Power is low.
Loss of appetite.
Difficulty remembering things.
Slow thinking or movement.

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