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Galmada afka cudurka aydhiska ma keentaa

Galmada afka cudurka aydhiska ma keentaa


Waxan rabaa inaan ogaado aydhiska kusoo gudbaa qofka haduu sameeyo galmada afka oo naag aydhis qabto hadii guska ay ka jaqdo sidaas aydhaka makusoo gudbaa.

Galmada afka cudurka aydhiska ma keentaa
Galmada afka cudurka aydhiska ma keentaa


Aydhiska wuxuu qofka ugusoo gudbaa siyaabo badan waxaa ka mid ah galmada iyo dhacaanka ama dhigga inuu usoo gubo qofka kale galmada afka way u badan tahay inay soo gudbiso illeen afka wuxuu lahaan karaa meelo aan la arkin oo dhaawac ah oo soo gudbin kara dhiigga sidoo kale dhacaankaas qofka wuu usoo gudbaa marka waa halis.

Qofka raba inuu aydhis iska ilaaliyo haka fogaado sinada, hadduu guursanayo ha guursado gabar lagu kalsoon yahay oo aan luuqluuq garanaynin.


Causes of infectious diseases

There are many causes of contamination and include the following:

1. Bacteria
They are single-celled organisms that cause a wide range of diseases, ranging from mild diseases such as streptococcal laryngitis or contamination of the urine ducts, to severe and difficult diseases such as various fever diseases or inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

2. Viruses
The virus is a microorganism that minimizes the germ and does not have the ability to live independently, viruses cause many diseases, including: widespread diseases, such as the common common cold, and very rare species such as AIDS.

3. Fungi
Fungi usually cause many skin diseases such as the head fronds (Tinea capitis) or finger fungus, and the fungus can cause difficult diseases that affect various organs in the body such as the respiratory system or nervous system.

4. Parasites
Parasites cause diseases, such as malaria, or river blindness, which are less prevalent in Western countries.

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