Dhuxusha waa la dulmiyay – Somali coal is a victim of civil war
Dhuxusha waa la dulmiyay – Somali coal is a victim of civil war
Somali coal is a victim of civil war
Jubbaland waa qeybta uu madax ka yahay Axmed Madoobe, sida muuqata wuxuu ka mid yahay dadka kasoo horjeeda dowladda dhexe.
Amin arts oo hadda si xoog faraha ugu haya maamul goboleedyada ayaa kasoo saaray sawir halis ah.

soomaali runta marka laga hadlo cadow baa meel kasta kaga yimid, cadowgaas oo ah mid dabargown ka wada dalka,
sidaa awgeed, waxaa la rabaa in dadka soomaaliyeed ay dhug yeeshtaan.
dadka qaar waxay u shaqaynayaan shisheeye siibada dalalka carabta.
dowladaha khaliijka waa cadowga koowaad soomaali oo ka shaqeynaya burburka dalkeena.
dhuxusha soomaali dadka sidan u galaya waxay ka soo horjeedaan jiritaanka dalkeena.
waxay rabaan inay burburiyaan wax kasta dalka wax u tari kara.
sawirkan amin arts soo saaray caadi ma aha, wuxuu tilmaamayaa wax weyn
Axmed Madoobe kaligiisa ma aha qofka sheekadan ku jiray ama hadda ku jira waa dad badan oo tuugo waaweyn ah oo 91kii ilaa iyo hadda geedaha soomaali tirtiraya.
Muxuu yahay xalka laga gaari karo arinta gobolka Gedo?
Ubbaland is the division headed by Ahmed Madobe, apparently he is one of the opponents of the central government.
Amin arts, which is now strongly controlled by the state administration, has released a serious picture.
Amin arts and Ahmed Madoobe
In fact, there have come enemies from all over Somalia, and that enemy is a threat from the country.
Therefore, the Somali people are required to be real.
Some people work for foreigners in Arab countries.
The Gulf states are the primary enemy of Somalia working to ruin our country.
Somali coal people who go into this way are against the existence of our country.
They want to destroy everything that can benefit the country.
this picture amin arts produced is not normal, he points out something great
Ahmed Madobe is not alone in this story or is now in this story but many big thieves who are erasing Somali trees in the 911’s so far.