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Caanaha la cabo habeenkii xilliga la jiifanayo


Assalamu calaykum dhamaan Bahda daruur Alle hanee barakeeyo dhaamtiin Wll waxaan la yaabay habeenkii xilliga la jiifanayo oo hurdada la Isku diyaarinayo markaan koob Caano cawo OO aan hurdo, waxaan soo toosa anigoo xubinteeda taranka iyo cajaraha OO leh qoyaan mar walba OO an cabo waa sidaa, Marka maxay tahay sidaasi waa maxayse xaaladaas Dhibaato mise kheyr.

Caanaha la cabo habeenkii xilliga la jiifanayo
Caanaha la cabo habeenkii xilliga la jiifanayo


Waxa aad isku aragtay waa janaabo qofka wuxuu biyabaxaa asoon wax galmo arkin, waxaana laga yaabaa caanaha inay sabab u yihiin, marka qubeys ayaa kugu waajibay markad isku aragto biyahaas.

Waxaad ogaataa caanaha kaalin weyn inay ka qaataan badashada biyaha ninka, marka xiriir weyn ayaa ka dhexeeya biyaha aad isku arkayso habeenkii marka caano aad cabto, xagga caafimaadka wax dhib ma laha, qofka asoo hurdaya inay biyaha ka baxaan waa wax dabiici ah.



Milk is one of the forms of liquid food and is rich in nutrients, and milk is produced from the breast glands of mammals, which is the main source of nutrition for young mammals, and this also applies to young humans as humans are fed by breastfeeding until they can digest solid foods. Early milk or early day milk is called colostrum, which contains antibodies that strengthen the immune system in children, thereby reducing the risk of many diseases. Milk contains many nutrients including proteins, lactose and calcium. Milk consumption among different species of mammals is common, especially among humans, as many consume the milk of other mammals.

Milk is from agricultural products, where dairy is collected from farm animals. Dairy farms produced about 730 million tons (800 million short tons) of milk in 2011, from 260 million dairy cows. India is the world’s largest milk producer and is the main exporter of skimmed milk powder, yet it exports few other dairy products. However, the ever-increasing rise in domestic demand for dairy products and the large gap between supply and demand in India could lead to the import of all dairy products in the future. New Zealand, Germany and the Netherlands are the two largest exporters of dairy products. China and Russia were the world’s largest importers of milk and dairy products until 2016 before both countries became self-sufficient, contributing to the abundance of milk worldwide.

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