Siigada jilbaha miyay dhacaanka ka dhamaysaa
Siigada jilbaha miyay dhacaanka ka dhamaysaa
Asc waan idin salaamay wll
Ninywo dhibaato xun baa i haysata
8 sano ban siigaysanayay lkin hda wan iska daayay
Siigadi 7bilood alx lkin dhibatada iigu daran waxa weeye
Jilbihi buu dhareerki iga dhamady salaad kama tukan karo wlhi
Dhacdaas bay hayan markasaton sujuudo iyo markaston kasoo
Kaco sujuuda mararka qaar waxan is dhaha ma iska daysa salaada
Hadana shaydankan iska nara ila taliya wll jilbuhu siday caadi ii noqon karn sidydi hore waad mhdaantihin.

Marka aad ka istaagto siigada sidaada hore ayaad kusoo noqon kartaa, isku inaad ka tagto gabi ahaanba, siigada guud ahaan cudur nafsi ayay leedahay laakin heerkan inaad gaarto arrin caadi ah ma aha, waxaa dhici karta jirro kale inay ku haysato waxaa fiican inaad u tagto dhakhtar lafaha ku takhasusay si loo ogaado waxa ku haya, waa laga yaabaa siigada inay lug ku leedahay laakin heerkaas ma gaarsiisana, ilaa hadda daraasad lama hayo oo isku xiraysa siigada iyo xanuunka jilbaha.
Scientific studies in this regard have suggested a number of factors that may have a role in stimulating the desire to practice this act up to the state of addiction, namely:
Malfunction of chemicals in the brain.
A change in the pathways of the brain.
Exposure to severe psychological stress.
Easy access to pornography and habitual viewing of it.
Having a history of physical or sexual abuse.
Growing up abnormal in a family atmosphere fraught with conflict.
Masturbation is not a mental disorder that can be diagnosed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but some people can develop an addiction to masturbation and spend a lot of time practicing it, which can lead them to:
Skip routines or daily activities.
Absenteeism from work or school.
Cancel plans with friends or family.
Because people are reluctant to talk about it, it’s hard to know how many people enjoy and masturbation on a regular basis, or how many people find it hard to resist!
The most dangerous of these diseases is the disease of destitute fatigue that is similar to the concept of chronic fatigue syndrome in Western medicine, and this happens when a man loses a lot of semen and can be a major cause of fatigue.
Symptoms can include:
Unexplained pains.
Heart problems.
Kidney problems.