Sawirka si sahlan uga tirtir background
Sawirka si sahlan uga tirtir background
Mararka qaar waxaad u baahanaysaa inaad sawir ka tirtirto background, inta badan waxaa la adeegsadaa barnaamij computer sida Photoshop oo kale ah ama app mobile oo la mid ah photoshop, laakin hadda waxaad awooddaa si sahlan inaad uga tirtirto website-kan adoon dhib la marin.
Isticmaalka webkan aad buu u sahlan yahay, kaliya waxaad soo qaadaysaa sawirka aad rabto inaad ka tirto background kaddib waxaad save garaynaysaa sawirka mar labaad.
Webka halkan ayaad ka gali karaa waana free isticmaalka
Ereyo English oo ku dhamaada xarfaha EEP
Delete the image easily from the background
Sometimes you need to delete a picture from a background, often a computer program like Photoshop or a mobile app similar to Photoshop is used, but now you are easily able to delete it from this website without problems.
Using this web is very easy, you just take the image you want to delete from the background and then save the image a second time.
You can access the web here and it is free to use