Qaxwada10-ka Faa’ido ay leedahay Benefits of coffee

Coffee health benefits

Qaxwada10-ka Faa’ido ay leedahay Benefits of coffee

Faa’idooyinka ay leedahay qaxwada ama bunka uu leeyahay.

Qaxwada waxay u roon tahay xididyada dhiigga soo qaada Cholesterol-ka dhiigga ayay ka dhigtaa sida laga rabo.

10-ka Faa'ido ay leedahay qaxwada
10-ka Faa’ido ay leedahay qaxwada

taas oo keenaysa jirrooyinka wadnaha inay kaa ilaaliso Maskaxda ayay ka qaaddaa caajiska iyo wahsiga jirka waxay siisaa firfircooni marka qaxwada muhim.

Qaxwada waxay yaraynaysaa inuu kugu dhaco kansarka beerka waayo qaxwada waxaa la socoto maaddo lagu magacaabo Praxanthine oo lid ku ah kansarka beerka ku dhaco Qaxwada cudurka sokorta ayay lid ku tahay oo ay la dagaallantaa.

Qaxwada waxay ka hortagtaa cudurka Parkinson’s disease oo ah midka ay la jareeyaan xubnaha jirkaaga sida gacmaha iyo lugaha iwm.

Sidoo kale qaxwada waxay ka hortagtaa bulumbuliga ilkaha ku dhaco waxayna ka yaraysaa bakteeriyada inay ku badato meesha.

Qaxwada waxay celisaa madax-xanuunka, sidoo kale dumarka waxay ilaalisaa Depression-ka.

Sidoo kale qaxwada qofka waxay ka yaraysaa daalka iyo xanuunka.

Qaxwada waxay ilaalisaa gibilka (maqaarka jirka) waxayna ka ilaalinaysaa qofka kansarka maqaarka sidoo kale findoobka qaxwada iyo kansarka.

bunka ay soomaalida cunaan isla faa’idadaas ayaa laga helyaa midda qaxwadaoo kale.

waayo qaxwada waa bun, kaliya waxay ku kla duwan yihiin bunka oo saliid lagu dubo qaxwadana biyo ayaa lagu kariyaa.

Ereyada raadiska: jirka muxuu u qabtaa bunka, caafimaadka iyo qaxwada, qofka qaxwada cabba, cunidda bunka, qaxwada maxay qabataa, jirkaaga iyo caafimaadkaaga.


Shaaha cagaaran ee Lipton muxuu guduud u yahay


Benefits of coffee

The benefits of coffee are many and varied, and these are the most important potential benefits of coffee:

1. Reduce the chances of developing diabetes
The risk of type 2 diabetes was found in adults who drank 4-6 cups of coffee a day about 30% lower than in people who drank up to two cups of coffee a day.
2. Fight free radicals
We often forget that coffee is actually a plant, like any other plant, and coffee beans contain natural substances that the body feeds on, in addition to containing more than 1,000 natural compounds of phytochemicals that promote immunity and health of the body.

3. Improve memory and cognition
People who drank caffeinated coffee in the morning performed tasks related to learning new information better, as coffee can also improve cognitive function with age.
Coffee damage

Despite the multiple benefits of coffee mentioned above, it is not without some harms, the most important of which are:

1. Osteoporosis
Coffee can stimulate the body to excrete calcium in the urine, and the loss of calcium necessary to build bones causes a decrease in bone density and can lead to osteoporosis, drinking 150 milliliters of coffee leads to the loss of about 5 milligrams of calcium, but the loss of calcium caused by drinking coffee can be balanced by adding 2 tablespoons of milk to the cup of coffee or eating a little yogurt with it.

2. Wrinkles
Although coffee contains antioxidants, but excessive drinking can lead to wrinkles of the skin, and the reason for this is that coffee is diuretic and drinking a lot of coffee can cause dehydration, and in case of dryness the skin loses its moisture and elasticity and shows wrinkles, so if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning be sure to drink a glass of water after it.

3. Weight gain
The caffeine found in coffee beans causes fluctuations in the level of sugar in the blood, the sudden rise in blood sugar causes the desire to eat sweets and increase appetite, and the tendency to offer a piece of cake with a cup of coffee makes the body expect to get sugar with the first sip of a cup of coffee and the dose of caffeine that rushes into the blood.

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