Qaabka ugu fiican ay xaaska uur ku qaadi karto

Qaabka ugu fiican ay xaaska uur ku qaadi karto


SC asaxbata webka Daruur shaqada ad haysan aad bad ugu mahadsan tihin webkii maalin kaste waan so galaa waxban ayaa laga faa’idayaa su’aal ban qabaa hadda, ninka haduu rabo naagtiisa inay dhaqsi ku uuraysato qaabka galmada ugu fiican uurka waa maxay foorarka naagta uur maku qaadi kartaa ama istaag siilka miyuu u baahan yahay inu si fican u furmo si nagta ay uur u qaado?

Qaabka ugu fiican ay xaaska uur ku qaadi karto
Qaabka ugu fiican ay xaaska uur ku qaadi karto


Dhamaan qaababka galmada oo dhan uur way ku qaadi kartaa gabadha, waxaa muhimsan biyaha manida inay meesha galaan kaliya, laakin dhakhaatiirta waxay sheegaan qaabka dabiiciga inuu ugu fiican yahay xaga uurqaadista, qaabkaas oo ah ninka inuu naagta ku kor seexado iyadoo lugaha ay kor u qaadayso marka biyaha shahwada uu ku shubana 15 daqiiqo inay sideeda ahaato aysan kasoo kicin sariirta si biyaha ay u gaaraan gudaha oo aysan isla markii kasoo bixin farjiga.

Maxaayeelay dumarka qaar dhalmada dhib kama haysto laakin waxaa mushkilo ay ka haysataa biyaha inay gudaha gaari karin, taasna inta badan waxaa keena ninka xubinta yar iyo kacsiga gabadha oo daciif ah oo aan farjiga si fiican ula falgalaynin galmada oo dhamaan ilaa gudaha aan furmaynin oo gidaaradiisa ay isku dhegan yihiin, marka ay sariirta ku daahdo biyaha ayaa u dusaya meelaha aan furmin oo isku dhegan.

Taasna ninka iyo naagta sabab ayay u nopqon karaan.


Gabar bikro ah in ilmo lagu beero ma dhib bay keenaysaa


1. Avoid long distance running
No two disagree that sport is necessary and important for health, but if it goes too far it can harm.

A 2012 study showed that women who maintained an ideal weight with exercise for at least 5 hours a week were observed to have delayed pregnancy.

The researchers found that women who were engaged in light sports activities, such as brisk walking, had higher chances of having children than women who exercised more intense sports.

2. Stay away from eating some types of fish
An example of a strange thing that helps to get pregnant is to look at the quality of fish before eating it, as it is preferable to stay away from eating fish that are more likely to be contaminated with mercury than other fish, such as tuna and shark.

Studies have found that the gradual accumulation of mercury in a woman’s blood reduces her fertility and the chances of getting pregnant.

3. Consume half of your day’s calories for breakfast
It has been found that eating rich, nutritious breakfasts may actually improve fertility, especially in women who have irregular periods.

So don’t be afraid to add a few calories to breakfast.

4. Have sex with your husband at selected times
It has not yet been proven that certain sexual positions may actually increase the chances of getting pregnant, but there are studies that suggest that choosing certain days of the month and having sex at a certain frequency may raise the chances of getting pregnant.

For example, during the five-day period before ovulation and the first day of ovulation, some doctors advise practicing intimacy every day or day after day, especially in the ovulation period.

5. Try to sleep in a completely darkened room
According to a range of recent studies, light even if it’s dim in your bedroom at night may reduce your fertility, so what’s the strange link here?

Night lighting affects the production of the sleep hormone (Melatonin) which plays an important role in the protection of eggs especially in the period of ovulation.

If you’re trying to conceive, try sleeping in a room where light doesn’t enter for a full 8 hours.

6. Stay away from junk food
If you don’t consume enough of the necessary nutrients, such as fat, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B6, you may have unintentionally disrupted the production of your hormones.

So try to eat nutritious, natural and unprocessed foods, and stay away from everything that is processed and fast.

7. Take care of the health of your mouth and teeth
Clean and healthy teeth aren’t limited to giving you a charming and beautiful smile, one study showed that women who needed fertility treatments in their lives had high rates of gum and mouth infections.

Because there is a relationship between a woman’s oral health and her chances of getting pregnant, make sure your teeth are healthy, use toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash, and visit your dentist regularly.


Riyada uurka halkan ka daawo


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