Feeradii awoowahawaaga iyo xusuuta dalka

Feeradii awoowahawaaga iyo xusuuta dalka

Historic coal iron. happy memories

Waxaa laga yabaa feeradan dad badan inay arkeen qaarna hadda wali ay adeegsanayaan.
Waa feerada taariikhiga ee soomaalida oo dhan ay wada yaqaanaan siiba jiilka hore oo joogay xilligii Maxamed Siyaad Barre.
Feerada dhuxusha oo waagii hore caalamka oo dhan laga isticmaali jiray.

Feeradii awoowahawaaga iyo xusuuta dalka
Feeradii awoowahawaaga iyo xusuuta dalka

Hadda aad bay u yaraatay, siiba marka uu hormaray adduunka xagga korontada, waxaa laga yaabaa meelaha qaar in hadda laga adeegsado.

Xuustaada dib u celi haddii aad ku nooshay muddo qurbaha oo aadan mar dhow arkin feerada dhuxusha.

waa feeradii oo dad badan ayay dharka kusoo feereesteen.

Dhulka NFD wax ka ogow oo lagasoo gaabiyay Northern Frontier District

Many people may have seen this punch and some are still using it.
It is the historical punch that all Somalis all know about the former generation who were there during the time of Mohamed Said Barre.
Coal punches that were used worldwide in the past.
Now it has dwindled so much, remove as the world advanced in terms of electricity, it may be used in some places now.

Turn your heart back if you’ve lived for a while in the offerings and don’t see the coal punch again.

It is the wrestling and many people have worn their clothes.


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