Dhowr sabab keenaya calool xanuun wax ka ogow
Dhowr sabab keenaya calool xanuun wax ka ogow
Calool xanuunka wuxuu ka mid yahay waxyaalaha dad badan ay ka sheegtaan mar kaste, waliba waxaa u badan ilmaha yaryar, marka calool xanuunka wuxuu qofka u geysanayaa dhibaato iyo nasasho la’aan.
Haddaba maxaa la dhihi karaa caloosha ayuu xanuunjiyaa?

Waxaa ka mid ah waxyaalaha sabab u noqon kara calool xanuunka cuntada aan nadiifka ahayn, qofka markuu cuno cunto aan nadiif ahayn wuxuu kala kulmaa calool xanuun.
Waliba waxaa u badan cuntada aan nadiifka ahayn, iyo cuntada bariday oo saacado badan ay kasoo wareegeen.
Sidoo kale calool xanuunka waxaa keeni kara qofka asoo gaajo daran hayso inuu cuno cunto saliid ama dufan badan leh, maxaayeelay caloosha markay eber tahay qofka markuu cuno cunto dufin badan leh xanuun ayay u keenaysaa.
Waxaa kaloo caloosha xanuujiya qofka marka uu cuno cuntooyinka dhanaanka ah ama uu iska badiyo waxyaalo badan oo dhanaan ah sida raqayda ama sanamakiga oo kale.
Waxaa kaloo caloosha xanuun u keeni kara qofka marka uu isku dardaro cuntooyin kala duwan oo is dhibi kara, tusaale ahaan hadduu cuno wax sokor badan leh sida xalwada iyo doorshada oo kale kaddib uu ka daba cuno maraq dufin leh oo saliid badan wato taas iyadana calool xanuun ayay keenaysaa.
Waxaa kaloo calool xanuun keeni kara qofka marka uu isku celiyo biyaha shahwada qofka si xoog markuu u kacsado oo ay biyaha shahwada kasoo dhowaadaan oo uu isku celiyo waxaa ka xanuunaya gumaarka ama qaska taas waxay keenaysaa qofka inay caloosha ka xanuunto.
Waxaa kaloo dumarka u keeno calool xanuun dhiigada caadada marka uu imaanayo waxaa laga qabtaa gabdhaha qaar caloosha.
Waxaa kaloo calool xanuun keenaya qofka marka shuban ku dhaco shubanka axasha ayaana ugu daran wax caloosha xanuun daran u keeno.
Marka ugu dambaysa qofka caloosha fadhisa isagana calol xanun ayaa u imaan kara, maxaayelaay cuntada markay ku aruurto caloosha oo aan wax saxaro jirin ama dhuuso qofka calool xanuun ayaa ku dhacayo.
Cuntooyinka isku dardarka iska ilaali haddii aad rabto inaad hesho caafimaad taam ah.
Marka daawada calool xanuunka maxay noqon kartaa?
Daawada caloosha markay xanuunto waxaa la rabaa inaad ogaato sababka keenay markaas ayaad daaweyn kartaa, marka haddii calool fadhi uu yahay waxaad cabbaysaa wixii qarasta kaa bixin karo oo caloosha socodsiin karo, inta badan waa qaras caloosha ku aruurtay.
Haddii sabab kale uu yahay sabakaas ayaad iska daaweynyasaa.
Haddii calool xanuunkaas mar kaste uu soo noqnoqonayo waxaad tijaabin karaa inaad toddobaad cunto hilib ide sidoo kale aad ku darsato cuntada subagga idaha.
Halkaan ka akhriso daawada uu leeyahay hilibka idaha.
Marka guud ahaan wuxuu soo nadiifiyaa caloosha iyo jirka oo dhan.
Dhuusada badan hadii la celiyana calool xanuun imaanayo
Constipation is one of the things that many people say every time, especially in young children, when nausea causes problems and restlessness.
So what can be said that it hurts the stomach?
Among the factors that can be the cause of constipation in unclean food, when a person eats an unclean food they experience nausea.
There are also many unclean foods, and the food that has been asked for many hours.
Also, nausea can be caused by a person who is severely hungry to eat food with high oil or fat, because when the stomach is zero, when the person eats a high-fat food, it causes pain.
It also hurts the stomach when a person eats whole foods or increases many whole foods such as lency or idolatry.
It can also cause stomach pain when a person mixes different foods that can harm each other, for example if he eats something with a lot of sugar, such as vegetables and choices, and then eats a fat soup with a lot of oil, which causes nausea.
It can also cause nausea when a person returns the water of the vagina so that when the person rises strongly and the water of the vagina approaches it and returns it, it hurts from the gums or joints which causes the person to have pain in the stomach.
Women also cause nausea and menstrual bleeding when it comes. Some girls are caught in the stomach.
It is also caused by nausea when a person has diarrhea and the most severe is something that causes severe stomach pain.
Finally, the person who sits in the stomach can also have stomach pain, because when food is accumulated in the stomach and there is no stool or diarrhea, the person suffers from nausea.
Avoid synthetic foods if you want to have perfect health.
So what can the medication for nausea be?
When the stomach medicine hurts, you need to know the cause and then you can treat it. When if it is nausea, you can drink what can remove the stomach and move the stomach, it is usually a clot in the stomach.
If there is another reason, you should treat yourself.
If that nausea is repeated at any point you can experiment with eating meat ide for a week as well as adding it to the sheep butter meal.
Read about the medicine for mutton here.
When it generally cleanses the stomach and whole body.