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Dhagxaanta kelliyaha sababaha keena

Dhagxaanta kelliyaha sababaha keena

Cudurkan wuxuu ka mid yahay cudurada caanka ah, oo ay dad badan ka sheegtaan, dhagaxaanta ka dhasha kelliyaha xanuun badan ayay u keenaan qofka.
sababaha dhaliyaha waxaa ugu muhimsan:

Dhagxaanta kelliyaha sababaha keena
Dhagxaanta kelliyaha sababaha keena

1- Calcium ka oo jirka ku bato wuxuu keenayaa in uu dhaliyo cusbo iyo dhagxaan meelaha kaadida marto iyo kelliya ayuu galaa.
2- qof oo aan cabbin biyo ku filan jirkiisa mar walba, dadka qaarkooda biyo badan ma cabbaan muddo dhowr saacad ah, iyagoo cunay cunto oo biyo u baahan xitaa ma cabbaan.

siiba dadka ku nool meelaha kulul oo dhidid badan leh, jirka marka uu dhidido wuxuu soo tufaa biyaha ku jiray marka biyo ayuu u baahanaa.
3-sidoo kale dad burutiinka si daran u qaato oo maanta qaar geym dartii u cuno, marka uu jirkooda ku bato wuxuu keenaa dhagxaanta keliya.
4- sidoo kale marka uu jiro dhaxal, waalidkaaga hadduu qabay dhagxaanta kalliyaha way dhici kartaa inay kuu soo gudbaan adiga.
5- dadka buurbuuran siiba caloosha ka weyn iyagaa ugu daran dadka uu dhagaxa ka galo kalliyaha marka cayilka dhibaatooyinkiisa waxaa ka mid ah dhagaxa kalliyaha
6- daawooyinka qaar waxay sameeyaan dhagaxa keliada

Kaadida Ayaa Dhib Igu Haysa Saaid Ayay ii Gubtaa


This disease is one of the most popular diseases, which many people say, and stones caused by the kidney cause a lot of pain to the person.
The most important causes of the breed are:

1- The calcium that is abundant in the body causes it to generate salt and stones that pass through the urine and into the kidneys.
2- a person who does not drink enough water for his body at all times, some people do not drink much water for a few hours, having eaten food and needing water they do not even drink.

remove people living in hot and sweaty areas, when the body sweats it spits out the water in it when it needed water.
3-Also people who take the protein seriously and eat some of it today for the sake of the game, when it is abundant in their body it causes only stones.
4- Also, when there is an inheritance, if your parents have had kidney stones, they may pass it on to you.
5- Obese people with a bigger abdomen are the worst people who get a rock in the stomach when obesity problems include the rock in the stomach
6. Some medicines make the stone alone


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