Ninka geedka maxaa ka jilciya iyo daawada adkeysa

Ninka geedka maxaa ka jilciya iyo daawada adkeysa

Maxaa ninka geedka ka damiya maxaase daawo u ah Maxaa keena ninka inuu geedka ka damo markuu galmada ku jiro.

Waxa ugu weyn oo ninka ka damiyo geedka waa walwalka ama cabsida ama isku kalsoonaan la’aanta raga qaarkii marka ay xaaskooda u galmoon rabaan waa taagan yahay geedkooda laakin marka ay bilaabaan galmada wuu ka damayaa.

Ninka geedka maxaa ka jiciya iyo daawada adkeysa
Ninka geedka maxaa ka jiciya iyo daawada adkeysa

taas ma aha jirro waa arrin u noqonaysa nafta iyo maskaxda waxaa laga rabaa qofka inuu maskaxdiisa ka saaro markuu xaaskiisa u tagayo waxyaalaha ka baxsan raaxada Daawo ma jirtaa la adeegsan karo oo walalwalka iyo cabsida reebaysa?.

wuxuu adeegsan karaa daawo arrintaan ka daaweynayso waxaa la dhahaa Gentaplex seddex jeer ayuu cabbaa kaniinigaas muddo labo toddobaad sidoo kale wuxuu qaadanayaa kaniinigan Cipralex taba.10 mg nus xabbo maalin kasta ilaa hal toddobaad kaddib hal xabbo ayuu qaadanayaa galmada kahor afar saacadood haddii Alle idmo wuxuu ka saarayaa maskaxdiisa walwalka keenaya inuu geedka damo daawada kacsiga.

waxaa ugu weyn sababaha guska jilciya walwalka iyo fikirka iyo nafaqadarida ama sokorta.

waxa ugu fiican oo guska adkeeya xiliga galmada waa saliid seytyuun iyo saliid macasaro iyo nafaqada jirka iyo caafimaadka oo full ah. xaaska waxaa qancin kara nin awood u leh inuu galmo fiican la sameeyo.

dumarka ma jecla ninka leg geed bajal ama jileec ah aad bay u karaahsadaan naagta waxayrabaa nin leh geed adag.

sidoo kale saliida seytuunka waxay weynaysaa geedka ninka marka ninka uu ku subko xubinta taranka.


Qalooca Geedka Ninka La Xidhiidha

Daawada geedka ninka lagu weyneeyo
Daawada geedka ninka lagu weyneeyo

What put out the man from the tree, and what is the cure for him?

What causes the man to quench the tree when he is in sexual intercourse?

The main thing that a man turns off from the tree is the anxiety or fear or insecurity of some men

when they want sex with their wives they stand in their tree but when they start having sex he quenchs.
This is not a disease, it is a matter for the soul and the mind is required of the person to remove his mind

when he goes to his wife for things outside of pleasure. Is there a useable thing that prevents sister and fear?

He can use a medicine that treats this issue is called Gentaplex he drinks that pill three times for two weeks

and he also takes this pill Cipralex taba.10 mg half a piece every day up to one week after he takes one piece of sex

before four hours if Allah permits he removes the anxiety that causes the plant to quench the erectile dysfunction.

The main causes of the horn soften anxiety and thought and nutrition or sugar.

The best thing that strengthens the neck during sex is seytyuun oil and peanut oil and full body nutrition and health.

the wife can be satisfied by a man who is able to have good sex with her.

Women do not like the man who is a bajal tree or a lizard. They dislike the woman because she is a man with a strong tree.

Also the oil of the pines enlarges the man’s tree when the man anoints the genitals.

Qeybta caafimaadka barta aqoonta


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