Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keeno maxaasena lagu daaweeyaa

Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keeno maxaasena lagu daaweeyaa

Dhabar xanuunka   ألم الظهر  qofka  dareemo waa xanuun dadka inta badan ay dareemaan qofka sabab gaar ah ayaa u keena, hadaba halkan waxaan kuugu soo bandhigaynaa sababaha keena dhabarxanuunka oo kooban:

Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keeno maxaasena lagu daaweeyaa
Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keeno maxaasena lagu daaweeyaa

1- Qofka inuu u seexdo qaab qaldan, siiba qofka marka uu daalan yahay ama uu dhafarsan yahay oo hurdo daran ay hayso waxaa fiican markuu seexanayo inuu iska ilaaliyo si qalooc ah inuu u seexdo, taas waxay keenaysaa in dhabar xanuun uu ka qaado, waayo muddo dheer ayaa laga yaabaa inuu si qaldan u jiifay.

2- Waxaa kaloo keena dhabarxanunka qofka in qabow ku dhaco asoo qoyan inuu marwaxad ama mukayaf ag tago, ama bannaan dabeyl qabow iyadoo ka jirta inuu baxo, taas iyadana waxay keenaysaa in dhabarku xanuuno.

3- Dhabarxanunka waxaa kaloo uu ka dhalan karaa jirrooyinka ku dhaco kelliyaha ama qofka in dhagxaan ay kaga jiraan kelliyaha, taas iyadana xanuun ayay u keenaysaa dusha.

4- Waxaa kaloo keena qofka in uu dhib ka haysto mindhicirada ama inuu gaastarig qabo, taas iyadana way saamaysaa dusha.

5- Cayilka daran aad buu u keenaa dulxanuun maxaayeelay miisaanka hilibka wuxuu toos u saameeyaa lafdhabarta, taasoo qofka xanuun xoogan u keenaysa.
6- Waxaa kaloo keena qofka inuu qaado wax aad u culus oo xadkiisa ka baxsan waliba markuu si qaldan u qaado iyadana waxay keenaysaa xanuun daran, maxaayeelay lafdhabarta ayay cadaadis saarayaan.
7- Sidoo kale qofka inuu shaqo ku qabto taagnaan iyo foorar qaab u dhexeysa, tusaale ahaan qofka marka uu miis wax ku jarjarayo miiskana aan la sinnayn jooggiisa foorar toosna aan ahayn taas iyadana waxay keenaysaa qofka inuu xanuun kaga dhaco dusha waliba hoose barida korkeeda.
8- Waxaa kaloo keena xanuunka dumarka kobaha taakada dheer ay qaataan, qaabka ay cagta tahay wuxuu saameynayaa lafdhabarta.

Marka waxaa muhimsan in la ogaado sababta keentay haddii la ogaado daawada ayaa la heli karaa, kaliya ma aha in la qaato kaniinka xanuunka lagu baabi’iyo.

Haddii xanuunka uu ka dhashay dhagxaanta kalliyaha waa in qofka uu iska daaweeyaa dhagxaantaas, waxaa jira daawooyin lagu burburiyo.

Marka hadba wuxuu eegayaa sababka keenaya markaas ayuu daawada saxda ah raadinayaa.


Sababaha keena kulaylka jirka midka caadiga iyo kan cudurka

Dhabar Xanuunka Maxaa Keena?


Halkan ka daawo waxtarka malabka xagga caafimaadka


Symptoms of back pain


Symptoms are the appearance of back pain that may extend to pain in the legs and feet in some cases.


Causes and risk factors for back pain

Here is an explanation of the causes of back pain and risk factors:


Causes of back pain


The causes of back pain are numerous, but sometimes the causes of back pain in some patients cannot be identified, the most prominent causes include:


1. Muscle tension


In most cases, the causes of back pain are caused by tension and tension of muscles and ligaments, due to improper heavy weight lifting or as a result of a sudden, incorrect movement.

Sometimes muscle spasms can cause back pain.


2. Problems in the back building


In certain cases, back pain is caused by problems with the structure of the back itself, such as a protruding or torn vertebrae, where sometimes the viscous material inside the shell of the intervertebral disc can move out of place and protrude or tear the disc, putting pressure on a specific nerve.

However, most people with a prominent or torn vertebral disc do not experience any pain as a result of this condition.


3. Sciatica


If a prominent or torn intervertebral disc presses one of the main nerves in the back area, the pain from this pressure can travel towards the man and cause sciatica, a very sharp pain that causes tingling starting from the back of the human and along the back side of his leg.

4. Arthritis


The joints most susceptible to injury as a result of osteoarthritis are: pelvis, hands, knees, lower part of the back, in certain cases osteoarthritis of the spine can lead to narrowing of the area that surrounds the spine, and this situation is called in the language of medicine spinal stenosis.


5. Abnormality in the skeleton building


Back pain can appear if there are improper curvatures in the spine, if these bends become an exaggerated matter, the upper section of the back is likely to appear more convex than usual and the lower section of the back looks more concave than usual.

Scoliosis is a medical condition in which the spine is curved in the lateral direction and this phenomenon can lead to back pain.

6. Osteoporosis


It is possible that stress fractures of the vertebrae of the spine appear in case of osteoporosis and the presence of gaps inside them.


7. Other reasons


Relatively rare but serious phenomena can also cause back pain, and they include:

Cancerous tumor of the spine.
Infection of the spine.


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