Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keena?

Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keena?


Walaal waxaan isku arkaa markaa in yar xoogaa aan fadhiyo dhabarka oo i xanuuno, marka dhabar xanuunka muxuu ka dhashaa teda kale muddo 9 bilood ayaan siigeysanaayey inkastoo aan hada go’aansaday inaan iska dhaafo marka waxaan isleeyahay in arintaasi u sabab tahay inuu dhabarka i xanuuno maadaama saasey tahayna aan joogto u sameyn jirin siigada oo isbuuciiba halmar ama laba mar sameyn jiray.

Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keena?
Dhabar xanuunka maxaa keena?


Dhabar xanuunka sababo badan ayaa keena,  siigada guud ahaan marka ay qofka ka badato waa laga yaabaa inay qofka u keento lafa xanuun dhabark xanuunka wuxuu soo galaa lafa xanuunka, taasna waxay u noqonaysaa qofka nafaqada uu jirkiisa ka saarayo.

waxaad ka akhrisan kartaa qoraal an ku qornay webka Daruur.


Dhabar Xanuunka Maxaa Keeno Maxaasena Lagu Daaweeyaa



Symptoms of back pain


Symptoms are the appearance of back pain that may extend to pain in the legs and feet in some cases.


Causes and risk factors for back pain

Here is an explanation of the causes of back pain and risk factors:


Causes of back pain


The causes of back pain are numerous, but sometimes the causes of back pain in some patients cannot be identified, the most prominent causes include:


1. Muscle tension


In most cases, the causes of back pain are caused by tension and tension of muscles and ligaments, due to improper heavy weight lifting or as a result of a sudden, incorrect movement.

Sometimes muscle spasms can cause back pain.


2. Problems in the back building


In certain cases, back pain is caused by problems with the structure of the back itself, such as a protruding or torn vertebrae, where sometimes the viscous material inside the shell of the intervertebral disc can move out of place and protrude or tear the disc, putting pressure on a specific nerve.

However, most people with a prominent or torn vertebral disc do not experience any pain as a result of this condition.


3. Sciatica


If a prominent or torn intervertebral disc presses one of the main nerves in the back area, the pain from this pressure can travel towards the man and cause sciatica, a very sharp pain that causes tingling starting from the back of the human and along the back side of his leg.


Dhabar xanuunka (Back pain) Sababaha iyo daawada

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