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Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga

Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga

Waxaa jira cuntooyin badan aan cunno kamana faa’idaysan karno waxa ay noo taraan.

geedka qasabka waxaa laga sameeyaa malabka madow.

Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga
Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga

Malabkaas jirka wax weyn ayuu u qabtaa sida dhiig yaraanta lafa xanuunka, galmada tabaryarida iyo waxyaalo badan sida bidaarta, timaha cad noqonaya.

Malabka madowga aad buu ugu roon yahay caruurta hadda soo koraya.

Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga
Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga
Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga
Malabka madow iyo caafimaadka raga

waxaa loo adeegsan karaa in lagu cuno rootiga ama muufada.

waxaa la hubaa inuu galmada xoog yeelayo. raga tabarta beelay ama raga seegada isku dilay wuxuu usoo celin karaa awoodda kacsiga ay waayeen.

 Ereyada raadiska:

geedka qasabka, malabka madow, bidaarta maxaa daawo u ah, galmada maxaa lagu xoojin karaa, lafaha, dhiigyarida, sokorta, cudurka xun, sidee loo daaweeyaa


Waxtarka qubada xaga awooda raganimada

Malabka boqorada shinida oo raga dareenkooda xoojiya


Benefits of molasses before bedtime

In general, the benefits of molasses before bed stem from those you reap from eating molasses at any time of the day, but it’s important to know that molasses is meant by molasses.

Some of the most important benefits of molasses before bedtime are:

1. Possesses antioxidant properties

One of the most important features of molasses is that it contains a good set of antioxidants, which in turn benefit human health, as antioxidants work to protect the body from the negative impact caused by the accumulation of free radicals in it.

2. Helps relieve PMS symptoms

Black honey contains good levels of iron, which is necessary for women, especially at the time of menstruation, in order to compensate for the blood lost by women, and it is worth noting that women are more likely to develop anemia.

3. Enhances hemoglobin levels in the blood

As mentioned, molasses contains good levels of iron, meaning that it helps in boosting hemoglobin levels in the blood, and this reflects positively on the flow of blood circulation in the body and its connection to the different parts of it.

One of the most important benefits associated with eating molasses is its role in the formation of red blood cells, of course.

4. Provides the body with potassium

Black honey is rich in various nutrients including potassium, and is an essential mineral in the formation and functioning of the body’s cells.

5. Regulate blood sugar levels

Black honey is often a healthy alternative to sugar, due to its role in regulating blood sugar levels and regulating insulin production.

6. Promote the health of the nervous system

Black honey contains a lot of minerals that are essential for the health of the body, including the health of the nervous system.

Molasses contains magnesium that helps boost the functioning of the nervous system, as low levels can cause high blood pressure, muscle spasms, and overall body fatigue.


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