Far qurux badan oo qalinka caadiga lagu qoray خط نسخ جميل

Far qurux badan oo qalinka caadiga lagu qoray خط نسخ جميل

سورة الفاتحة بخط الرقعة


Quruxda farta waa mowhibo ninkan wuxuu adeegsaday qalin caadi ah, wuxuuna ku qoray far aad u qurux badan oo la mid ah midda musxafka ama kitaabka jaamaca ah.

dhowr suuro ayuu ku qoray ninkan khadkan quruxda badan, si fiican u eeg qaabkan uu u qoray, waa mowhibo

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The beauty of the handwriting is a monument this man used a standard pen, and wrote it in a very beautiful font similar to that of the museum or the station book.

He wrote several times in this beautiful line, look carefully at the way he wrote it, it is a talent 


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