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Riyada suuqa lagu dhex cunayo moos iyo beer

Riyada suuqa lagu dhex cunayo moos iyo beer


ASC gudomiye: waxan Ku riyooday anigoo meel suuq ah dhex maraayo oo cunaayo beer iyo moos.

Riyada suuqa lagu dhex cunayo moos iyo beer
Riyada suuqa lagu dhex cunayo moos iyo beer


Gudoomiye waan kaa qaaday, riyada cunidda mooska waxay tilmaamaysaa barwaaqada badan aad heli doonto mooska waa khayr aduun iyo aakhiro, mooska wuxuu ka mid yahay geedaha janada ee Quraanka kariimka lagu sheegay, cunidda beerka waxay tilmaamaysaa hantida ubadka laga helayo beerka mararka qaar wuxuu astaan u yahay ubadka qofka uu dhalay ama dhali doono, suuqana waa qaabka aad u helo doonto iyo meesha aad ka heli doonto, gancsiga ayaad ku guulaysan doontaa inshaa Allaah, guud ahaan riyada waa riyo tilmaamayso barwaaqo iyo nolol wanaagsan uu qofka heli doono.

The dream of eating moss indicates the abundance of prosperity you will have moss is good in this world and in the Hereafter, moss is one of the paradise trees mentioned in the Qur’an, eating the liver indicates the wealth of the offspring from the liver sometimes it is a symbol of the offspring of the person who will give birth or will give birth, and the market is the way you will find it and where you will find it. You will succeed in business in the hope of Allah, overall the dream is a dream that indicates prosperity and a good life that the person will have.

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