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Sababaha cuncunka jirka Causes of itchy skin

Sababaha cuncunka jirka Causes of itchy skin

What is itching, and what causes itching

Cuncunka waa maxay?

cuncunka waa dareen laga dareemo, maqaarka oo dhibaya qofka wuxuuna, u baahanayaa inuu xoqo mar walba haddii uu xaqo xitaa maka dagayo inta badan

sidii cuncunka loo joojin lahaa, waxaa habboon in la ogaado sababta kentay, cuncunka maqaarka

Sababaha keena cuncunka

waxaa jira sababo keena cuncunka jirka waxaa ugu caansan sababahan soo socda

Sababaha cuncunka jirka Causes of itchy skin
Sababaha cuncunka jirka Causes of itchy skin

cuncunka ku kooban hal meel jirka ka mid ah inta badan waxaa keeni kara xasaasiyad ama jirka inay soo gaaraan waxyaalo uu dhibsanayo ,,ama inuu meesha ka soo baxo fin, waxaa laga yaabaa inay meesha guduudato, taasoo keenaysaa barar ama bukaan, waxayna u badan tahay inay noqoto meesha meel balbal leh, jirka meelaha ugu nugul cuncunkaas waa kilkilaha, dhabarka, cambarka dumarka, xiniinyaha raga midka lugaha hoose,

Jirrooyinka qaar ku dhaca beerka iyo kelliyaha, waxay keenaan cuncun daran, sidoo kale cudurka socorta wuxuu leeyahay cuncun, iyo marka jirka uu waayo birta isaga wuxuu keenayaa yucyuc oo daran, sidoo kale jirrooyinka la xiriira dhiigga

cudurada ku dhaca maqaarka sida qallayla xagga qofka, sidoo kale maqaarka ,madaxa iyo injirta iyo wasakha, oo keeni kara jirrooyinka dhibaya maqaarka qofka, sidoo kale qorraxda marka ay jirkaaga ku badato, waxay kuu keenaysaa yucyuc.

sidoo kale daawooyinka qaar waxay kuu keenaan jirka inuu kucuncuno, marka aad qaadato, waayo waxyaalaha ay ka samaysan yihiin ayaa leh xasaasiyad

Baruurta caloosha iyo tan jirka isku mid miyaa

Jirka dufinta uu u baahan yahay iyo cayilka


Itching is a sensation that bothers the skin and it needs to be scratched all the time, even if it doesn’t wash off often. In order to stop the itching, it is important to know the cause of the itchy skin Causes of itching There are reasons that cause body itching, the most common of which are the following reasons Itching confined to one part of the body is often caused by allergies or by the body coming into contact with things that irritate it, or by the appearance of a pimple, the area may be red, causing inflammation or disease, and it is likely It should be a sensitive area, the most sensitive areas of the body are the armpits, the back, the groin of women, the testicles of men and the lower legs. Some diseases of the liver and kidneys cause severe itching, gout also has itching, and when the body lacks iron it causes severe itching, as well as diseases related to the blood. Diseases that occur on the skin such as dryness in the person, as well as the skin, head and lice and dirt, which can cause diseases that affect the skin of the person, as well as the sun when it is too much on your body, it will cause you sickness. Also, some medicines cause your body to itch, when you take them, because the things they are made of are allergic

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