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Dhakhtar pharmacy ayaa ii sheegay biyabaxa degdega daawo inuusan lahayn

Dhakhtar pharmacy ayaa ii sheegay biyabaxa degdega daawo inuusan lahayn


Dhakhtar pharmacy ayan utagay waxan usheegay xanuunka biya baxa dag dag ah inuu ihaysto wuxuu isheegay inuusan xanuunkas daawa leheen ma sax baa hadalkiisa.

Dhakhtar pharmacy ayaa ii sheegay biyabaxa degdega daawo inuusan lahayn
Dhakhtar pharmacy ayaa ii sheegay biyabaxa degdega daawo inuusan lahayn


Biyabaxa degdega daawo toos ah looma hayo laakin waxaa jira qaabab loo daaweyn karo, waxaana ugu fiican qofka inuu maskaxdiisa baro inuu xukumo raaxada uu dareemayo, sidoo kale qofka inuu jmicsiga badiyo siiba midka cajiraha iyo moxogga, wuxuu is bari karaa inuu biyaha daahiyo.

Waxaa kaloo jira daawooyin geedka lagu buufiyo oo kawaabyo ka dhiga laakin dhibka ay leeyihiin waa raaxo la’aanta, qofka marka uu ku buufiyo geedkiisa raaxo ma dareemayo xubinta oo dhan kawaabyo ayaa wada gaaraysa, laakin qaabka hore oo ah qofka inuu maskaxdiisa baro ayaa ugu fiican wax lagu daahin karo biyaha shahwada.

Webka daruur in badan ayaan kaga hadalnay biyabaxa degdega khaanadda raadis ka baar.

There is no direct treatment for acute ejaculates, but there are ways to treat it, and it is best for the person to teach their mind to control the comfort they feel, and the person to increase the number of ejaculates, such as the one with the joints and the joints, can also teach himself to drain the water.

There are also medications to spray the plant that make it into a bottle but the problem they have is the discomfort, when a person sprays his plant he does not feel comfortable with the whole organ. The whole organ reaches the joints, but the first way of teaching the person’s mind is best to delay the water of the vagina.

On the cloud web we talked a lot about the rush of ejaculate search the drawer.

Basashaha iyo awooda ninka

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